Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
3 Distinct Adventures Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2011.08.16 L 170.7MB Thief 2
4th Planet The Independent Thief (NightRanger) 2013.04.10 S 191MB Thief 2
7th Crystal, The Saturnine (David Tonkinson) 2002.09.21 10.5 L 25.7MB Thief 2
A Wonderful Reception Louve 2004.06.03 1.9MB Thief 2
A. K. A. Noah Volgelfrei 2006.09.20 6.5 5.3MB Thief 2
Abandoned Castle, The Beltzer 2013.01.19 145.6MB Thief 2
Abandoned Kingdom ERH+ 2012.01.11 130.8MB Thief 3
Abominable Dr. Dragon, The Chiefdreams 2003.04.03 12.6MB Thief 2
Abysses Christine Schneider 2004.07.25 S L 21MB Thief 2
Acid Trip, The Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2010.05.25 11.6MB Thief 2
Ack! There's a Zombie in the Basement Polygon 2005.05.12 5MB Thief 2
Admiral's Compass Dront 2008.05.23 1.6MB Thief Gold
Adventure in Eastport, An BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.10.22 762KB Thief 2
Adventures of Burrick Boy, The Kfort (Katy Fortner) 2004.02.26 5.8 1.7MB Thief 2
Affairs of Wizards, The Nameless Voice 2008.11.30 7.73 30.8MB Thief 2
After Dark Shadowhide 2010.04.26 54.8MB Thief 2
After the Party ChangelingJane 2002.08.25 6 L 365KB Thief 2
Airship Dave Angel 2001.09.14 7 650KB Thief 2
Akhenaten's Tomb Darkfire 2002.08.25 3 L 416KB Thief 2
Alchemic Allusions Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2001.12.15 7 5.9MB Thief 2
Alchemist, The Sotha 2010.06.01 26.4MB Dark Mod
All for a Night's Sleep Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2008.03.10 S 5.2MB Thief 2
All The World's A Stage Callum Cameron (Rantako) 2009.08.25 L 44.9MB Thief 3
All Torc R Soul (Robin Collier) 2005.02.25 S L 19.7MB Thief 2
Alliance Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker) 2001.07.02 4.8MB Thief 2
Amida (Japanese) JIS 2001.07.06 2.3MB Thief Gold
Amnesia Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2003.10.08 6.5MB Thief 2
Among Two Storms Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2010.10.21 10.6MB Thief 2
Amoral Dilemma Krush 2009.02.14 W L 46.6MB Thief 2
Ancient Jason Free (icemann) 2003.06.02 1MB Shock 2
Anna to the Rescue The Independent Thief (NightRanger) 2011.07.16 H 75.2MB Thief 2
Annihilated Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.04.10 10.7MB Thief 2
Apache's Mission Pack (contains Ramirez's Revenge, Stowaway, Hunt for Montrose and The Keep) Apache 2000.03.27 24.9MB Thief 1
Arac Attack Theker 2007.08.31 6.8MB Thief 2
Arboretum, The Thomas Green 2001.04.12 6 9.6MB Shock 2
Arena Zygoptera 2006.12.04 H 11.7MB Shock 2
Art of Thievery, The Richard Cull (RiCh) 2001.12.08 9.25 W H 5.5MB Thief 2
Artefakt, Das Mayar 2009.06.12 919KB Thief Gold
Ashcourt Ravenhook (Duncan Ardley) 2006.05.06 L 3.5MB Thief 2
Ashen Age part 1 Sliptip 2006.11.21 22.8MB Thief 2
Ashes and Dust Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) 2008.12.01 8.24 24.4MB Thief 2
Assassin at Sir Ganrish House, The Erik Svensson (Esemor) 2000.11.24 W 1.7MB Thief 1
Assassination, The Jan "Vitus" Vitek 1999.07.24 3 768KB Thief 1
Assault at the Gas Station Sterlino 2009.03.28 W L 5.8MB Thief 2
At the Royal Rumble Show Sterlino 2004.02.29 4.8 14.3MB Thief 2
Augustine's Revenge Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2009.11.21 W L 10.1MB Thief 1
Auldale Chess Tournament, The SlyFoxx 2006.03.17 1.8MB Thief 2
Aurumpendo Niborius 2013.05.28 13.9MB Thief 2
Autumn in Lampfire Hills Purah (Anthony Huso) 1999.11.09 8.42 W 3.8MB Thief 1
Avoiding Mistrust DarkDragon 2008.09.05 S 47.5MB Thief 3
Awaiting The Storm HappyCheeze 2010.05.22 4.1MB Dark Mod
Awaken! Sperry 2002.06.21 5 3.4MB Thief 1
Awakening, The Dennis Martin 1999.11.29 8 1.9MB Thief 1
Bad Blood Terry DeLaney 2010.07.14 W 11.1MB Thief 2
Bad Debts Melan (Gabor Lux) 2007.12.17 42MB Thief 2
Bad Feeling Serge 2007.08.14 57.6MB Thief 3
Bad Hangover Brethren 2012.04.15 31.9MB Thief 2
Bad Intentions Mirko 2008.11.30 5.34 4.8MB Thief 2
Bad Man Mortal Monkey 2006.12.07 178KB Thief 2
Bafford's Bone Collection SlyFoxx 2004.02.29 5 924KB Thief 2
Bafford's Curse (aka Skully Demo) Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2002.08.25 8.6MB Thief 2
Bafford's Last Stand John Denison 2005.09.01 L 6.5MB Thief 2
Bafford's Town House Esme 2008.09.11 5.92 2.7MB Thief 2
Balfour's Secret DarkShadow 2008.09.19 1.6MB Thief 2
Bane 1 - Keep of Deceit The Immortal Thief 2007.08.16 10.7MB Thief 2
Bane 2 - Cult of the Damned The Immortal Thief 2007.10.29 6.6MB Thief 2
Bank Job, A Sonnich Brinch Nielsen (Nielsen74) 2005.10.09 4.5MB Thief 2
Bar, The MOG 2005.10.02 4.8MB Thief 2
BASIC MOG 2005.10.02 1.2MB Thief 1
Bassett's Keep Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre) 2001.08.31 933KB Thief 2
Bath House, The cdfbr 2000.05.06 1.7MB Thief 2
Bathory - The Campaign Szabó Csaba (Sensut) 2013.03.25 S W L 261.5MB Thief 2
Batman Demo The Independent Thief (NightRanger) 2008.09.16 S 30.1MB Thief 2
Beginning of Era Karath-Din, The Zmey 2010.12.26 55.7MB Thief 2
Behind Closed Doors Nick Dablin (nicked) 2017.02.06 266.4MB Thief 2
Being Thief Szabó Csaba (Sensut) 2011.05.31 S 27.2MB Thief 2
Beleaguered Fence, The Sotha 2010.06.23 10.9MB Dark Mod
Benny's Dead (v1.2) The Gingerbread Man 2000.09.12 9 R W L 5.8MB Thief 2
Best Defense Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2002.09.06 13.2MB Thief 2
BestestFM Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.06.19 180KB Thief 2
BestestFM 2: Fairground Attraction Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2007.06.14 1MB Thief 2
BestestFM 3: In a Link of an Eye Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2007.07.30 501KB Thief 2
BestestFM 4: Wishy Washy! Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2008.01.16 6.8MB Thief 2
Betrayal Fieldmedic 2010.08.17 12.8MB Dark Mod
Betrayal: Voices amievil? 2004.02.04 6.4MB Thief 2
Better Off Dead Szabó Csaba (Sensut) 2012.02.11 S L 84.9MB Thief 2
Better Tommorow, A DrK (Kubiac) 2012.11.12 40.8MB Thief 2
Between These Dark Walls skacky 2012.11.16 L 5.3MB Thief Gold
Black Frog, The Gaëtane 2012.03.13 201.3MB Thief 2
Blackheart's Recording, The Ogi (evil Garrett) 2006.01.18 2.4MB Thief 2
Bloodflowers Peter Parrish (Paz) 2004.03.01 365KB Thief 1
Bloodmist Tower Kfort 2007.09.09 11.7MB Thief 2
Bloodsport Metalhead 2001.02.19 7.25 H 27.7MB Thief 2
Bloodstone Prison Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) 1999.11.27 9.83 R H 2.3MB Thief 1
Bloody Flounder Inn, The Master_edd (Adrian Rieck) 2008.08.01 2.4MB Thief 2
Bloody Ruins Christine Schneider 2004.10.28 S W L 15.9MB Thief 2
Blue Rose, The Savar 2010.07.20 S 76.2MB Thief 3
Blue Star, The Andreas Lilja (MoonAchilles) 2010.11.08 S L 2.1MB Thief Gold
Bluecoat's Training Facility Dave Heitzer (Thief13x) 2003.04.18 5 S W 2.3MB Thief 2
Bodysnatchers, The DarkShadow 2011.07.22 7MB Thief 2
Bones part 1 Paul Harvey 2012.12.31 50.6MB Thief 2
Book of Prophecy part 1: Dead Letter Box Schattengilde 2007.12.31 16MB Thief 2
Book of Prophecy part 2: The Hidden City Schattengilde 2009.02.23 H L 38.5MB Thief 2
Borrington's Castle Bronze Griffin 2005.09.13 755KB Thief 2
Box, The Ghost In The Shell 2007.11.21 4.6MB Thief 2
Brawl in the Tombs, A John D. 2008.02.09 H 48.9MB Thief 2
Breaking and Entering Jani Saarijärvi (Spitter) 2002.08.25 7 699KB Thief 2
Breakout from Apocalypse Prison Isaac "golem8" Kopecky 2005.10.02 807KB Thief 2
Breakout- 4 Day Mission Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2001.05.13 5.75 1.5MB Thief 2
Bridge, The Dom Wright (str8g8) 2006.07.13 92.6MB Thief 3
Broken Hammers Spoonman 2006.01.11 5.9MB Thief 2
Broken Heart Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.05 22.5MB Thief 2
Broken Triad Eshaktaar (Renzo Thönen) 2008.05.31 W H L 53.9MB Thief 2
Bruder Snuck Silencium18 2008.05.16 504KB Thief 2
Builder's Hammer, The Yametha 2001.11.30 2 422KB Thief 2
Builder's Influence, The RailGun 2010.03.20 15.5MB Dark Mod
BurgoMaster, The David Webb (Hengist) 2001.11.08 3.4MB Thief 1
Burrick's Head Inn Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2003.05.25 7.5 S L 9.6MB Thief 2
Burrick's Head Inn: Vintage Edition Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2005.08.20 S L 9.5MB Thief 2
Business as Usual Bikerdude 2010.01.14 4.6MB Dark Mod
Business at Midnight David Moore 2001.05.27 9.9MB Thief Gold
By Order of an Unknown BlackThief 2004.04.14 S 10.3MB Thief 2
C Z S K Council Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2005.10.17 590KB Thief 2
Cabal part 1: Furious Flames Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana) 2010.10.11 L 464.2MB Thief 3
Cabal part 2: Night of the Long Knives David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2010.10.20 174.4MB Thief 3
Cabal part 3: Heart of the Deal Judith 2011.02.05 586.6MB Thief 3
Cabal part 4: Knife to the Heart Nomad 2011.02.14 403.8MB Thief 3
Cabot Flux 2008.01.31 S 15.9MB Thief 3
Caduceus of St. Alban, The Bikerdude 2010.08.24 9.9MB Dark Mod
Calendra's Cistern Purah and Team Calendra 2000.08.10 9.38 W L 32.1MB Thief 1
Calendra's Legacy Purah (Anthony Huso) 2002.04.01 11 W L 322.8MB Thief 2
Captain of the Guard Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) 2010.07.07 21.1MB Thief 2
Captured by Beasts Dront 2008.05.22 4MB Thief Gold
Careless Hand, The Paul Buckley (pbucko) 2000.05.06 3.5 4.8MB Thief 1
Careless Little Fly Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2005.10.02 816KB Thief 2
Carkess Escape Carkess (Carsten Kessler) 2008.10.24 1MB Thief 2
Carkess Revenge Carkess (Carsten Kessler) 2009.04.24 2.5MB Thief 2
Cashing In Volkmar (Jonathan K) 2005.10.02 1MB Thief 2
Castle of the Dead DarthsLair 2008.04.23 L 3.1MB Thief Gold
Cataclysmic Revelations DarthsLair 2013.05.28 W L 251.2MB Thief 2
Cathedral of St. Vincent DarthsLair 2012.06.22 188.7MB Thief 2
Cathedral of the Damned Dark Angel 2002.01.12 7.25 12.2MB Thief 2
Cathedral, The Meshpit 2004.01.13 410KB Thief 2
Cell 6 Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2013.04.29 137.9MB Thief 2
Cell Next Door, The Frank Mitchell 2005.03.28 685KB Thief 2
Chain of Events Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2005.06.21 S L 5.1MB Thief 2
Chalice of Kings, The Fidcal 2009.10.15 2.8MB Dark Mod
Chasing Sergeant Chase Long Finger 2003.04.27 1.2MB Thief 2
Chat Noir Jean-Frederic Pluvinage (Gambit) 2008.05.02 344KB Thief 2
Children of the Future SE Mr.Tunnel 2005.09.08 16.6MB Thief 2
Chon Migoroshi GORUGO 13 2002.05.26 441KB Thief 2
Choose Your Own Adventure Thief0 2006.03.17 397KB Thief 2
Christmas Present Naks 2009.01.03 11MB Thief 2
Chronicle of the Metal Age : Chapter 1 Sir Balu 2006.07.29 43.3MB Thief 2
Chuffy Train Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 282KB Thief 2
Circle of Stone and Shadow pt 1: Gathering at the Inn Team CoSaS 2003.02.10 W 114.2MB Thief 2
Circle of Stone and Shadow pt 2: Mission X Team CoSaS 2008.10.01 W H L 319MB Thief 2
Circle of Strain Markus "Mokkis" Lappalainen 2004.03.01 7.25 3.7MB Thief 2
Circle of Strain 2 Markus Lappalainen aka Mokkis 1999.10.19 7.33 2.6MB Thief 1
Circle of Strain 3 Mokkis 2000.01.31 8.83 3.8MB Thief 1
Cistern, The Gumdrop (Tim Murray) 2002.10.12 6 W 7.4MB Thief 2
Citadel of Douro Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.04 28.9MB Thief 2
Citadel of Wrath-Amon, The Paweuek (Marcin Pawelec) 2006.01.09 2.2MB Thief 2
City Conflict (part 1) Silencium18 2009.08.12 3.5MB Thief 2
City Conflict (part 2) Silencium18 2009.08.21 3.1MB Thief 2
City Conflict (part 3) Silencium18 2009.09.13 1MB Thief 2
City Conflict (part 4) Silencium18 2009.09.27 1MB Thief 2
City Conflict (part 5) Silencium18 2010.05.19 1.2MB Thief 2
City Square, The Garrett_729 2005.08.15 263KB Thief 2
Clean Out, The Dark Gentleman 2005.02.17 W L 4.3MB Thief 2
Clocktower, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2005.10.02 7.5MB Thief 2
Cloister of St. Lazarius, The Alexius 2005.10.01 5.7MB Thief 2
Close Encounters P Forth 2004.03.16 2.3MB Thief 2
Coalport Ravenhook (Duncan Ardley) 2006.01.26 2.8MB Thief 2
Cold Feet The Independent Thief (NightRanger) 2009.03.22 7.2MB Thief 2
Collectors Greed Apache 2001.08.02 1.7MB Thief 2
Complicated Cargo Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2011.02.05 L 17.1MB Thief 2
Complications Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds) 2006.03.17 818KB Thief 2
Cop in the Shadow T. Nagy Levente 2003.11.20 S 3MB Thief 2
Coterie of Smokers Christine Schneider 2004.05.15 S W L 17.3MB Thief 2
Counter-Thief Jean-Frederic Pluvinage (Gambit) 2008.03.30 258KB Thief 2
Cragscright Prison Paweuek (Marcin Pawelec) 2011.07.03 459KB Thief 2
Crazy Maniac Mr. Timms and the Wooden Shack, The John The Beggar 2008.04.06 265KB Thief 2
Creature Clash 3 Dark Arrow 2006.02.04 5.3 19.5MB Thief 3
Creature Clash Gold Philip M. Anderson (Weyoun) 2002.11.25 5.6MB Thief Gold
Creepy Temple, The P Forth 2005.10.28 1.2MB Thief 2
Crom's Blade Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2001.11.11 8.25 W H 12.6MB Thief 2
Crooked Town Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2012.07.03 37.5MB Thief 2
Crown of Penitence, The Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2009.10.16 10.5MB Dark Mod
Crypt of St. Lucian, The Lost Soul 2009.12.16 L 11.9MB Thief 2
Crypt, The Norbert Navratil 2007.01.22 7.6 29.6MB Thief 3
Cryptic Cravings The Dude (Philip Shepherd) 2006.03.17 1.8MB Thief 2
Cryptic Realms Szabó Csaba (Sensut) 2012.09.24 H 95.9MB Thief 2
Crystal Clear Conscience Judith 2006.02.28 61.5MB Thief 3
Cube, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2006.12.07 493KB Thief 2
Cult of the Resurrection David Riegel (Sledge) 2000.09.01 8.5 W L 5.5MB Thief 1
Curiosity Demonreaver 2002.07.18 7.5 2.9MB Thief 2
Curiosity Shop Moghedian 2005.10.02 418KB Thief 2
Curse of the Ancients Kozmala 2000.07.24 7.5 W L 3.6MB Thief 1
Curse of the Carnival Alex "Jyre/Dashjianta" Thomson 2001.04.18 5 W 4.8MB Thief 2
Curse of the Falcon Christine Schneider 2004.02.29 S W 23.5MB Thief 2
Curse of the Hammerites Henri Havulinna (Henri The Hammer) 2006.05.03 1.4MB Thief 2
D (Japanese) JIS 2002.02.11 990KB Thief 2
Damsel in Distress Dyald (David Dyal) 2004.12.27 13.1MB Thief 2
Dance with the Dead Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2009.03.13 L 55.6MB Thief 2
Dancing With the Dead Gregorius 2007.07.30 S W 18MB Thief 2
Dangerous Conditions R Soul (Robin Collier) 2006.09.14 5.8 4.2MB Thief 2
Dark Beginnings John D. 2008.02.20 48.9MB Thief 2
Dark Lord (Dromed only) dark_lord 2000.02.14 437KB Thief 1
Dark Messiah Schattengilde 2006.10.11 37.1MB Thief 2
Dark Mod Training Mission (French) TDM Team 2009.10.17 5.9MB Dark Mod
Dark Night, A JewelThief 2007.05.30 8.8MB Thief 2
Dark Secret, A Mayar 2010.02.13 3.3MB Thief 1
Dark Temple, The BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2005.01.08 451KB Thief 1
Darkstone Gem chapter 1 Max Breuillot (DarkMax) 2012.04.28 S 89.4MB Thief 2
DarkStone Mine Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16) 2009.02.25 416KB Thief 2
Darkwalker Jeremy Justus 1999.09.05 4 825KB Thief 1
DarkWood Shadowhide 2009.12.11 16.1MB Thief 2
DarkWood 2 Shadowhide 2010.01.11 19.6MB Thief 2
Day Worker, The DarkShadow 2011.08.02 S L 35.8MB Thief 2
Dead Flower Turi Robert 2004.10.07 S L 2.4MB Thief 2
Dead Night Sweet Delight MysteryMan 2013.05.24 67.6MB Thief Gold
Dead of Winter, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2007.06.03 44.4MB Thief 2
Deadly Darkness Tomi Väisänen 2002.01.06 7 2.9MB Thief Gold
Deadly Triangle, The DarthsLair 2011.05.06 103.8MB Thief 2
Death of Garrett, The Chris Patterson 1999.10.05 8.75 W 3.2MB Thief 1
Death's Cold Embrace Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2017.10.25 819.6MB Thief 2
Death's Turbid Veil Nick Dablin (nicked) 2014.10.30 397MB Thief 2
Debt Repaid, A Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2007.01.23 S W H L 27.2MB Thief 2
Debt to Nate Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2005.10.02 241KB Thief 2
Deceptive Perception William the Taffer 2002.08.25 10 3MB Thief 2
Deceptive Perception 2: Phantasmagoria Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2008.11.15 90.9MB Thief 2
Deceptive Scepter, The Seb 1999.06.05 1.75 525KB Thief 1
Deceptive Shadows Shadowhide 2012.09.16 S W 22.4MB Dark Mod
Dedicated To The People of TTLG Cookiedough (Rachel Yvonne) 2002.08.25 276KB Thief 2
Deep Trouble: City Under the Sea John D. 2008.03.14 41.7MB Thief 2
Defender of the Crown Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2005.10.25 6.2 22MB Thief 3
Defense Assassination John The Beggar 2007.08.11 2.4MB Thief 2
Defense Assassination 2 John The Beggar 2010.03.08 5.1MB Thief 2
Delford Abbey Speesh 2005.04.27 12.5MB Thief 2
Den, The Gaëtane 2005.11.25 S W L 19.9MB Thief 2
Diamond, The Triksta 2003.07.07 2.6MB Thief 2
Dire Return, A Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2012.04.11 L 29.3MB Thief 2
Dire Venture Hidden In Shadows (Janne Kahkonen) 2005.10.28 2.9MB Thief 2
Dirty Business Dr. Sneak 2007.02.24 33.9MB Thief 2
Disorientation Melan (Gabor Lux) 2009.06.08 L 54.7MB Thief 2
Dock Land Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2000.02.22 4.75 W 3.8MB Thief Gold
Docks, All Aboard! Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2000.04.04 6.25 S W 2.3MB Thief 1
Docks, The Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2000.08.01 6.5 1.7MB Thief 2
Doom Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2007.12.28 1.5MB Thief 2
Doschtle's Labrynth Doschtle 2008.01.01 922KB Thief 2
Doschtles Beginn Doschtle 2007.09.23 1.1MB Thief 2
Down We Go! (Dromed only) Shadow 1999.06.03 650KB Thief 1
Down with Mechanists Max Breuillot (DarkMax) 2010.02.23 12.4MB Thief 2
Dracula Reloaded Szabó Csaba (Sensut) 2013.03.27 L 278.5MB Thief 2
Dread amievil? 2001.10.28 3.6MB Thief Gold
Dream of Tyrus, The Turi Robert 2006.03.20 3.8MB Thief 2
Dreamslide Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2001.09.15 602KB Thief 2
Drop, The Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 451KB Thief 2
Drop, The Darkwarrior 2001.08.28 117KB Thief 1
Drymian Codex, The Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2013.03.10 L 227.4MB Thief 2
Ducal/Hammer Asylum Sperry and Asymuth 2000.01.01 1.8MB Thief 1
Durant Donald F. Mazur 2001.01.09 9 S W L 6.7MB Thief 2
Dwelling Insanity Rustibus 2005.10.02 523KB Thief 2
Dyers' Eve Metalhead 2001.10.18 8 5.7MB Thief 2
Eastwater Bank Gold Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2004.02.04 S W L 2MB Thief 2
Easy Bank Sterlino 2006.07.21 1MB Thief 2
Easy Money Azrarhn 2003.10.06 L 402KB Thief 2
Eclipsed Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker) 2009.10.31 L 117.7MB Thief 2
Elevator Mission JIS 2006.02.12 6.5MB Thief Gold
Elevator Mission T2 JIS 2003.10.15 W 135.7MB Thief 2
Embracing the Enemy Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) 2000.12.20 8.38 H 7MB Thief 2
Emilie Victor Gaëtane 2004.08.06 W H L 4.2MB Thief 2
Equilibrium Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep) 2000.12.10 9.8 2MB Thief 2
Escape from Blackstone Crypt Hit Deity 2002.09.05 7 570KB Thief 2
Escape from Castle Black Bho 2005.12.05 23.8MB Thief 3
Escape Hammer Hill Darthslair 2010.08.03 L 52.1MB Thief 2
Escape! (v2) Christine Schneider 2002.09.18 S W L 6.1MB Thief 2
Escape: The Bear Pits Wrichards 1999.06.11 2 1.9MB Thief 1
Events in Highrock Pershin Sergey V. (Mad God) 2000.06.01 9.33 L 8.4MB Thief 1
Evicted Nomad 2006.10.30 14.3MB Thief 3
Evil Thievery Firemage (Jordan_Maf) 2012.11.04 87.1MB Thief 2
Evirath's Misery Turcaill (Beatrice Madry) 2008.07.25 20.5MB Thief 2
Eye of Ruthaford, The William the Taffer 2001.07.12 924KB Thief 2
F (Japanese) JIS 2001.05.05 3 R 874KB Thief Gold
Fables of the Penitent Thief Sliptip 2011.11.08 43.1MB Thief 2
Fall of a Chook Daniel "Fred Chook" Chapman 1999.12.22 2 1.2MB Thief 1
Falling Down TF 2008.11.30 6.37 11.8MB Thief 2
Fate of the Art Gregorius 2004.02.29 6.4 H 6.2MB Thief 2
Father Hirvakia's Portal part 1 William the Taffer 2005.10.02 3.5MB Thief 2
Father Hirvakia's Portal part 2 William the Taffer 2005.10.02 2MB Thief 2
Father Hirvakia's Portal part 3 William the Taffer 2005.10.02 2.4MB Thief 2
Father Hirvakia's Portal part 4 William the Taffer 2005.10.02 6.8MB Thief 2
Father's Pride MaJiC (Mark Cole) 2002.02.14 1.1MB Thief 2
February TheNightTerror 2006.03.17 1MB Thief 2
Fever, The Random_Taffer 2006.03.17 650KB Thief 2
Fiend, The Jan Jakubovic (krompac) 2001.02.01 6 1.8MB Thief 1
Fight Pub William the Taffer 2001.08.06 521KB Thief 2
Final Crusade I, The Brother McEla (Mäkelä) 2000.06.06 7 10.4MB Thief 1
Finals at the Academy LarryG 2012.05.06 S 158.3MB Thief 2
Firefly Lobster 2004.07.05 L 12.8MB Thief 2
Fireshadow's Barrow, The Yametha 2003.11.16 7 L 4.4MB Thief 2
First City Bank & Trust Annex Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2002.08.25 6 935KB Thief 2
First Day of Winter, The PinkDot 2006.01.09 7.8MB Thief 2
Fishmonger Keith Kelly (Zail) 2000.06.20 4.25 R 1.7MB Thief 1
Five Minute Thieves Guild William the Taffer 2001.07.23 4 411KB Thief Gold
Five Tigers: Claw of the Tiger W. Scott Thune (Catman) 2009.06.22 L 13MB Thief 2
Five Tigers: Eye of the Tiger W. Scott Thune (Catman) 2008.04.10 L 7.5MB Thief 2
Five Tigers: HBS Iron Butterfly W. Scott Thune (Catman) 2007.04.02 4.8MB Thief 2
Fletcher's Final Mistake SlyFoxx 2004.05.20 33.2MB Thief 2
Flip A Coin Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2009.12.15 3.1MB Thief 2
Flowers for a Friend P Forth 2008.11.30 5.72 1.5MB Thief 2
Flying Age, The Sterlino 2008.03.19 W L 58.8MB Thief 2
Focus, The Ramirez's Old Fat Burrick 2004.02.29 7.3 2.6MB Thief 2
Folly of Youth, The The Dude (Philip Shepherd) 2007.01.21 19.4MB Thief 2
Forbidden Rites Pete Willhite (Krush) 2005.11.01 W L 22.8MB Thief 2
Forgotten Forest 1 Timon 2003.11.09 L 8.1MB Thief 2
Forgotten Forest 2 Timon 2006.02.05 W H L 20MB Thief 2
Forgotten Stash Bardic 2006.11.08 5.8 24.5MB Thief 3
Fortress by the Sea Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2006.05.03 S W L 14.6MB Thief 2
Fortress Valth Ratzyy (3mdrin) 2012.06.22 S 1.5MB Thief 2
Fortune and Glory DonkeyKong 2001.06.14 5 2.7MB Thief 2
Four Weapons Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2005.10.09 5.3MB Thief 2
Freedo Finds One CloakedInDarkness (Todd Neil) 2006.12.26 1.3MB Thief 2
Freedom for Nepumuk Dennis 2003.08.20 W H 12.7MB Thief 2
Friend Basso rosa 2003.10.31 5MB Thief 2
Friend In Need, A SlyFoxx 2005.10.27 8.9MB Thief 2
Friends in Shadow Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep) 2001.04.20 4.5 R W 4.7MB Thief 1
Frobable Cause mxleader (Patrick Baldwin) 2005.03.18 332KB Thief 2
From Beneath The Sands Nick Dablin (nicked) 2006.06.24 27.1MB Thief 2
Frozen Mines Azrarhn 2004.02.29 5.3 1.5MB Thief 2
Gallery, The David Letersky 2003.07.26 6 824KB Thief 2
Gambling Man, The Rayner the Bug_Cloud 2001.01.15 6.5 2.5MB Thief 2
Game, The Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre) 2001.12.01 5 1.4MB Thief 2
Ganbatte, Thief-San! Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2005.11.08 5.9MB Thief 2
Garden of the Wizard, The IronEagle 2012.05.12 S 226.1MB Thief 3
Garrett and the Beanstalk Kfort 2003.12.13 3.1MB Thief 2
Garrett and the Princess Firehawk 2010.01.21 15.6MB Thief 2
Garrett to the Rescue Apache and KidGarrett 2002.03.18 L 1MB Thief 2
Garrett to the Rescue 2 : The Auction House Apache 2002.08.20 1MB Thief 2
Garrett's Nightmare Deadwrite 2002.11.04 956KB Thief 2
Garrett's Revenge Belboz (Steven Hindley) 1999.09.10 5 W 2.1MB Thief Gold
Garrett's Young Years XTra Zappenduster 2010.02.28 W 123.6MB Thief 2
Gathering at the Bar Toni "Trimfect" Hollming 2004.03.01 6 3.8MB Thief 2
Gauntlet 2 - Dromed's Revenge Apache 2002.06.25 4.2MB Thief 2
Gauntlet, The Apache 2001.01.10 2.5MB Thief 1
Gearheart Bronze Griffin 2005.09.02 941KB Thief 2
Geller's Pride Jani Saarijärvi (Spitter) 2001.05.21 8.75 R W L 5.8MB Thief 1
Gem, The Wes Morrison (Datoyminaytah) 1999.10.03 4 14.6MB Thief 1
Gerome of the Woodlands Caleb Callaway (Despot) 2000.02.22 5 1.4MB Thief Gold
Gerrard's Temple Jericho Barimen 2003.10.30 L 29.6MB Thief 2
Gervasius' Archery Tournament Mike Hopper 2001.04.21 6 R 2.8MB Thief 2
Gheldorf's Towne House Devilock 2006.03.31 1.5MB Thief 2
Ghost House / Haunted Hospital Dark Arrow 2005.03.12 18.5MB Thief 2
Ghost Town P Forth 2006.10.30 1010KB Thief 2
Gladiator Scott Fisher (TheCapedPillager) 2005.08.13 123KB Thief 2
Glenham Tower, The Sotha 2010.07.17 5.3MB Dark Mod
Godbreaker Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) 2017.01.26 873.5MB Thief 2
Gold in Fort Knocks DarthsLair 2008.06.10 W 1MB Thief Gold
Gold Skull of Lord Frobb, The Cookiedough (Rachel Yvonne) 2002.08.25 3 326KB Thief 2
Golden Book Zontik 2007.05.30 S W L 89.5MB Thief Gold
Golden Project - First City College BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2009.07.08 L 5.5MB Thief 2
Good Samaritan, The Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.02.23 19.2MB Thief 2
Good vs. Bad sNeaksieGarrett 2008.06.17 969KB Thief 1
Graduation Day Jabberwocky 2003.10.23 3.1MB Thief 2
Great Tree Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2004.02.04 7 4.8MB Thief 2
Greenbay DrK (Kubiac) 2008.11.30 S 2.9MB Thief 2
Greyfeather Gems - Part 1: The Shipment Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2003.07.06 L 4MB Thief 2
Greyfeather Gems - Part 2: Rodamill Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2005.08.21 9 R S L 14.9MB Thief 2
Guard Called Benny, A Dark Arrow (Jari Mäkinen) 2004.02.29 7 7.1MB Thief 2
Guardhouse 1 (Dromed only) Jussi "Banshee" Lehtinen 1999.06.03 653KB Thief 1
Guardhouse 2 Jussi "Banshee" Lehtinen 2000.03.27 W 3.1MB Thief 1
Guardmen Of Haddur, The Turi Robert 2006.10.13 8.2MB Thief 2
Gussie's Dream The Dude (Philip Shepherd) 2004.02.29 5.8 4.1MB Thief 2
Haddur Turi Robert 2005.11.09 17.1MB Thief 2
Half-Blind Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds) 2006.12.07 2.4MB Thief 2
Hammer and Garrett JIS 2006.06.04 5.9MB Thief Gold
Hammerhead: Return to the Docs Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2000.01.18 8 S W 2.5MB Thief 1
Hammerite Deathmatch Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2007.11.16 41.1MB Thief 2
Hammerite Hideout Cavalorn (Csongor Hos) 2006.12.07 352KB Thief 2
Hammerite's Brutality T. Nagy Levente 2002.10.24 1MB Thief 2
Hand of Glory, The DarkThief 2009.11.18 3.8MB Thief 1
Happy New Year, Mister Lambert! Gaëtane 2005.07.13 L 8.6MB Thief 2
Hard Luck Jeremy D. "Feanor" Mitchell 2000.09.22 6 3.5MB Thief Gold
Harlequin, The Balboa (Doug Brainard) 2009.12.16 2.9MB Thief 2
Hashishans, The And (Ben Hur) 2002.08.16 S 3.5MB Thief 2
Haunt Stadium Nameless Voice 2005.03.22 459KB Thief 1
Haunting, The Nameless Voice 2004.02.29 6.8 8.9MB Thief 2
Have a Nice Holiday! Christine Schneider 2008.10.31 S 133.7MB Shock 2
Having A Ball madwolf (Kevan Swain) 2004.10.24 L 6.8MB Thief 2
Having Regrets Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2006.12.07 459KB Thief 2
Hazelshade Cemetery Nameless Voice 2005.10.01 5.8MB Thief 2
Heading Out Camus 2008.10.10 L 6MB Thief 2
Heart and Soul xarax 2002.03.20 2.9MB Thief Gold
Heart of Lone Salvation Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2010.04.02 40.4MB Dark Mod
Hearts and Minds David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2007.12.10 S 54.1MB Thief 3
Heaven in the Garden of Stones - Secrets Of Avidan BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.08.01 L 6.7MB Thief 2
Heaven in the Garden of Stones - The Haunted Church BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.02.07 6.7MB Thief 1
Hedgerows and Hammerites Gumdrop (Tim Murray) 2001.12.15 7 461KB Thief 2
Heist at Night Silencium18 2008.10.20 420KB Thief 2
Heist Society Mark Smith (AsyluM) 2004.11.05 9.5 15.7MB Thief 2
Hell Chapter2 'The LostAge' JIS 2002.02.24 4MB Thief Gold
Hell's Motel Part 1 amievil? 2002.05.03 L 5.1MB Thief Gold
Hell's Motel Part 2 amievil? 2003.04.12 13.1MB Thief Gold
Hellerhouse Stringgod 2003.12.10 S 2MB Thief Gold
Heretic Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2011.07.10 62.2MB Thief 2
Heretics and Pagans Spoonman 2006.02.20 6.8MB Thief 2
Hidden Agenda Mark Smith (AsyluM) 2002.01.15 9 8.3MB Thief 2
Hidden Stone, The Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds) 2006.04.01 16.7MB Thief 2
Hideout, The Mayar 2009.04.14 1.3MB Thief Gold
Hightowne Museum, The Jani Saarijärvi (Spitter) 2001.12.15 9 1.3MB Thief 2
His Own Medicine Kanditter 2009.03.22 L 44.6MB Thief 2
Hole, The Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2003.09.12 6.9MB Thief 2
Holy Hammer Dront 2008.05.23 2.1MB Thief Gold
Home Sweet Home Lady Rowena 2017.12.24 107.7MB Thief 2
Homeless Dude, The John The Beggar 2008.11.30 4.3 501KB Thief 2
Homo Arbor rosa 2005.02.25 12.9MB Thief 2
Horn, The Silencium18 2008.07.20 338KB Thief 2
Horns of Canzo part 2: The Dragon's Claw Sterlino 2010.08.30 135.5MB Thief 2
Horns of Canzo pt. 1: A Long Way Up Sterlino 2004.08.03 S W L 87MB Thief 2
Horror in St. Urbain Firemage (Jordan_Maf) 2010.11.30 8.6MB Thief 2
Hotel Savar 2010.09.10 S 75.4MB Thief 3
House of Random Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2004.02.29 6.1 4.6MB Thief 2
House Rob! thief0 2006.12.07 907KB Thief 2
Hunt for Montrose Apache 2000.02.02 4.6MB Thief 1
Hunting Treasure Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2009.05.11 72.3MB Thief 2
Hush.... Hush, Sweet Harlot Ithel, KGoodsell, and Kyloe 2000.04.18 7.5 W L 8.8MB Thief 1
I have a Bad Feeling About This Anonymous 2012.11.30 57.1MB Thief 2
Ice Base 1 The Independent Thief (NightRanger) 2009.04.06 28.4MB Thief 2
Illusionist's Tower stumpy 2010.06.05 8.6MB Dark Mod
Immoral Immortal, The Zail 2000.01.31 2 1MB Thief 1
Impurities in the Mix David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2005.08.10 52.7MB Thief 3
In dubio pro Garrett Dainem 2009.04.23 S 10.3MB Thief 2
In Search of Leon Christine Schneider 2002.12.15 S W L 6.9MB Thief 2
In the Loom of Doom Darthslair 2007.10.27 L 3.8MB Thief Gold
In These Enlightened Times The Pixie (Andy Joel) 2006.09.16 7.1 11.9MB Thief 2
Incubus Sterlino 2006.12.07 7.2MB Thief 2
Information Goit 1999.09.12 6.75 2.2MB Thief 1
Inheritance Jonquil 1999.12.02 7 S 2.8MB Thief 1
Insanity's Crescendo Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2010.08.21 W L 39.2MB Thief 2
Insurrection Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker) 2005.04.05 16.1MB Thief 2
Into the Maelstrom Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2005.07.29 7.5 2.9MB Thief 2
Invasion Anonymous 2013.10.31 17.9MB Thief 2
Inventor's Tower, The Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2001.11.05 7 S 915KB Thief 2
Inverted Manse, The (v1.1) David Riegel (Sledge) 2001.04.22 10 R 20.8MB Thief 2
Invitation to Castle Morgoth Vlad Midnight 2009.01.01 18.2MB Thief Gold
Iron Man Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2002.11.22 4.3MB Thief 2
Island of Iron pt 1: Fortress of Steel John D. 2003.01.24 8.7MB Thief 2
Island of Iron pt 2: Confrontation John D. 2003.05.21 L 17MB Thief 2
Island of Madness Nick Dablin (nicked) 2007.06.03 23.3MB Thief 2
Island of Sorrow Anonymous 2013.11.11 259.3MB Thief 2
Item, The Oszkár Winkler 2003.03.11 1.8MB Thief 1
JailBreak Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2001.05.23 5 2.1MB Thief 2
Jenivere De Ja Vu John Denison 2003.06.08 8 L 4MB Thief 2
Jewel of Ghandar, The BodomChild 2010.05.01 3.1MB Thief 2
John Dosio's Compound, Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.05.22 25.8MB Thief 2
Journey into the Underdark, A Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2016.05.22 L 17.9MB Thief 2
Journey mission pack (contains
Escape from Guilesatpeak and Tuttocomb's Tomb)
Sperry 2000.07.20 10.2MB Thief 1
Just Another Hole Gregorius 2003.11.26 377KB Thief 2
Just for Show Tumbleweed (William Hollingsworth) 2002.02.19 2.5MB Thief 2
Just Friends part 1 bassmanret (Chris Moyer) 2004.05.24 W L 4.4MB Thief 2
Just Friends part 2 bassmanret (Chris Moyer) 2010.01.11 82.9MB Thief 2
Just Take a Look Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2003.12.28 S L 4.5MB Thief 2
K (Japanese) JIS 2002.02.22 632KB Thief Gold
Karras Apartments Bronze Griffin 2006.07.02 498KB Thief 2
Karras' Diary: Prophecies of Gold Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre) 2002.09.01 9.25 L 58.3MB Thief 2
Karrassinian Threat, The Paul Buckley (pbucko) 2001.10.20 9 R 11.4MB Thief 2
Keep, The Apache and Flakeman 2002.10.20 L 6.1MB Thief 1
Keeper Investigations Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2009.10.17 L 163.6MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Bell DarthsLair 2004.03.12 910KB Thief Gold
Keeper of the Prophecies Ep 2: Hallucinations frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 S 67.3MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Prophecies Ep 3: The Insurrection frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 S 32.9MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Prophecies Ep. 1: The Enterprise frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 S W 50.3MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Prophecies Ep. 4: Oracle of the Prophets frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 S W 38.8MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Prophecies Episodes 5 - 9 frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 H L 122.3MB Thief 2
Keeper of the Prophecies: Episodes 1 - 9 frobber (Ken Ramsley) 2005.07.29 213.5MB Thief 2
Keeper's Betrayal, A The Immortal Thief 2003.03.23 8.5 L 3.2MB Thief 2
Keeper, The Savar 2010.08.18 66.7MB Thief 3
Keepers are Thirsty, The Chris K. (Cypher628) 2002.08.25 6 6.5MB Thief 2
Keyhunt Eshaktaar (Renzo Thönen) 2006.03.17 2MB Thief 2
Kill Factory Sliptip 2006.12.07 3.9MB Thief 2
Kill Factory II: Escape from the Planet of the Robots Sliptip 2007.06.27 18.5MB Thief 2
Kill for Life, The Dront 2008.05.07 6.7MB Thief Gold
Kill the Guard P Forth 2006.12.07 152KB Thief 2
Killing of Timer, The JIS 2002.02.09 2MB Thief Gold
Killing Time, The Keeper 2000.12.26 1.1MB Thief 1
Kindred Vault, The Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2008.11.30 6.72 9MB Thief 2
King Abedzen's Tomb Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2015.10.30 137.9MB Thief 2
King's Story Zontik 2010.04.29 S W L 283.9MB Thief 2
Kings and Queens IronEagle 2012.10.11 198.7MB Thief 3
Konkurrenten Rostvogel (Igor Smikalla) 2004.09.08 W L 4.7MB Thief 2
Koobze Koobze 1999.07.03 3.25 2.9MB Thief 1
Krellek's Labyrinth A.Scott Kingston (ascottk) 2005.10.24 84.2MB Thief 3
L'Anniversaire de Joelle (French) Charles and DukeZ 2002.06.12 463KB Thief 2
L'anniversaire de Yan (French) Lady Jo 2002.06.12 241KB Thief 2
L'Arsene Gaëtane 2003.03.28 10 L 3.1MB Thief 2
La Fete du Voleur Firemage (Jordan_Maf) 2010.07.26 32MB Thief 2
Lady Lisa's Harbor Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2004.12.09 W L 6MB Thief 2
Lady Lomat's Flute Murray Lorden 2013.10.20 37.5MB Thief 2
Lady Mossy Marzec 2013.05.02 2.5MB Thief 2
Lady Sakura's Dragon Eye Vigro_182 2002.05.26 575KB Thief 2
Lady Whitman's Disease Robin G. 2000.09.01 4 L 2MB Thief 2
LaFrenier, Real Criminal Boss Oldrich Nic 2001.03.01 5 R 787KB Thief 1
Last Caress Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2007.06.03 59.3MB Thief 2
Last Gleaming of the Rising Sun Shadow145 2005.08.31 1.2MB Thief 2
Last Lighthouse Keeper, The Eternauta (E.R.) 2011.03.22 69MB Thief 2
Last Stand Dark_Sneaker (Jacob Mikkelsen) 2002.11.02 1.3MB Thief 2
League of Grim Thieves part 1: On the Way to the League of Grim Thieves The Niggster (Niklas Schwenkschuster) 2010.07.14 7.6MB Thief 2
Legend of the Four Elements Theker (Steve) 2008.05.26 26.7MB Thief 2
Legend of the Four Elements - The Last Hope Theker (Steve) 2008.07.22 27.2MB Thief 2
Legend of the Four Elements III Theker (Steve) 2011.01.29 54.1MB Thief 2
Lesson Learned, A Balrog 2003.07.07 7 2MB Thief 2
Librarian, The nightshifter (ger Hermans) 2007.03.13 L 33.5MB Thief 2
Library of Babel, The Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2011.12.12 33.4MB Thief 2
Library pt 1: The Town Wizard 2003.03.02 6 L 1.4MB Thief 2
Library pt 2: The Basement Wizard 2003.04.03 4 4.7MB Thief 2
Library, The Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) 1999.07.28 6.67 1.3MB Thief 1
Lighthouse Shed Dront 2010.05.08 5.1MB Thief Gold
Lingering Whispers ScaryKitties 2012.10.01 S W L 19.3MB Thief 2
Living City, The Ivar Holand 1999.08.24 1.25 1.8MB Thief 1
Living Expenses Sonosuke 2010.01.02 5.9MB Dark Mod
Living Nightmare, A John Denison 2006.04.05 W L 18.5MB Thief 2
Long Way Down, A Mortal Monkey 2006.12.07 1.5MB Thief 2
Lord Alan's Basement Andrea Aleotti 2002.07.25 6.75 3.9MB Thief 2
Lord Alan's Factory Andrea Aleotti 2007.05.10 W 71.8MB Thief 2
Lord Alan's Fortress Andrea Aleotti 2003.04.08 8.5 L 12.5MB Thief 2
Lord Ashton Series, The Christine Schneider 2003.05.24 S 39.8MB Thief 2
Lord Bafford's Manor, Custom Edition sNeaksieGarrett 2008.08.06 5.1MB Thief 1
Lord Bafford's Secret DarthsLair 2013.01.06 137.4MB Thief 2
Lord Beilman's Estate Vlad Midnight 2009.04.27 25.9MB Thief Gold
Lord Binclair von.Eins 2000.02.04 7.67 4.7MB Thief 1
Lord Burkhard Gilbert (Master) Gradl 2000.08.17 709KB Thief 2
Lord Dufford's stumpy 2010.03.31 22.2MB Dark Mod
Lord Edmund Entertains! Jussi Lehtinen (Banshee) 1999.09.21 8.67 3MB Thief 1
Lord Fishkill's Curse Shadowspawn (Randy Sybel) 2003.08.22 L 34.8MB Thief 2
Lord Gibson's Estate Chris K. (Mr.Magoo) 2007.01.22 15.3MB Thief 2
Lord Hammerarse's Manor Asgaroth 2006.10.22 9.1MB Thief 2
Lord James' Retreat John Denison 2003.07.23 L 2.2MB Thief 2
Lord Julian's Labyrinth Massimiliano Goi 2008.05.01 W 12.4MB Thief 3
Lord Lomat's Flute Murray Lorden 2001.11.01 4 588KB Thief 2
Lord Maguire Estates pt. 1 Caradavin 2003.04.26 L 3.9MB Thief 2
Lord Matt Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2003.07.18 1.8MB Thief 2
Lord of the Thieves: Attack of the Orcs Cavalorn (Csongor Hos) 2008.06.27 12.6MB Thief 2
Lord Raven's Mansion DarkDragon 2008.08.17 S 40.4MB Thief 3
Lorgan's Web Shadowspawn (Randy Sybel) 2001.10.09 9.25 W L 11.5MB Thief 1
Lost Castle, The Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2009.02.02 47.9MB Thief 2
Lost Crusade, The Spoonman 2007.11.12 7.2MB Thief 2
Lost Souls TheNightTerror 2007.03.02 6 6.8MB Thief 2
Love Story II, A John Denison 2006.01.16 L 48.9MB Thief 2
Love Story III, A John Denison 2007.06.15 30.9MB Thief 2
Love Story IV, A John Denison 2008.01.24 6.8MB Thief 2
Love Story, A John Denison 2004.02.26 L 4.6MB Thief 2
Lovely Night Caradavin 2006.07.09 3.6MB Thief 2
Lucrative Opportunity Aaron Pettett (Spanker) 2001.01.15 7 L 3.5MB Thief 2
M. S. Gold - Rust Ratzyy (3mdrin) 2013.01.27 S 7.2MB Thief 2
Mad as a Hatter Triksta 2003.09.04 10MB Thief 2
Mad's Mountain Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2010.07.31 2.3MB Dark Mod
Mages Area, The Pershin Sergey V. (Mad God) 2000.01.13 7 3.3MB Thief 1
MainShock T2 (Japanese) JIS 2002.05.26 4.6MB Thief 2
Makiko JIS 2002.09.21 635KB Thief 2
Manhunt TheHardyBoyz 2008.12.08 H 2.3MB Thief 2
Mann Mansion Tithian (Tommy Lundmark) 2006.04.15 336KB Thief 2
Mansion of Chaos Sharga (Aaron Lambert) 2001.07.08 6 W L 11.5MB Thief 1
Mask of Agamemnon, The Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2006.12.26 L 13.5MB Thief 2
Mask, The Silencium18 2008.09.09 1.3MB Thief 2
Masque of the Red Death raetsel 2004.03.03 S L 18.9MB Thief 2
McLeod's Revenge Oldweird 2004.06.03 2.1MB Thief 2
Mech Angelo Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2012.11.05 85.7MB Thief 2
Mech Bank The Pixie 2005.10.09 4.1MB Thief 2
Mechanist Cathedral, The P Forth 2005.07.30 1.2MB Thief 2
Mechanist Facility Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.10.12 36MB Thief 2
Medal Age, The R Soul (Robin Collier) 2006.12.07 596KB Thief 2
Meeting Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2005.09.29 W 3.8MB Thief 2
Meeting with Cutty Azrarhn 2005.08.27 1022KB Thief Gold
Melancholy In Porto Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2009.10.11 57MB Thief 2
Melian's Method Jimmy Desiderio 2003.12.19 6.75 1.4MB Thief 2
Memoirs of a Dead God Nick Dablin (nicked) 2008.11.26 L 33.4MB Thief 2
Midday Eclipse Sxerks 2009.12.30 1.5MB Thief 2
Midday Escape Sxerks 2009.04.23 4.9 S W 2.3MB Thief 2
Mighty Joe Young Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2004.03.17 W L 2.9MB Thief 2
Mind Master Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2002.08.25 5.6MB Thief 2
Mine Affairs Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16) 2009.03.08 3.3MB Thief 2
Mine Saga Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16) 2010.03.13 141.3MB Thief 2
Mine Shock JIS 2005.03.30 3.2MB Thief Gold
Mines of Margroth (beta) Terry Head (YcatX) 2002.08.25 6.4MB Thief 1
Minstrel, The The Pixie (Andy Joel) 2011.07.09 6.5MB Shock 2
Mirror of Return, The PsymH 2010.02.28 79.2MB Thief 2
Mirror, The Zontik 2008.05.01 53.1MB Thief 2
Mission with No Name, A mopgoblin 2005.10.02 947KB Thief 2
Mistrz (demo) Ernie 2002.06.04 890KB Thief 2
MISTRZ: Efekty Specjalne (Polish) Bukary 2002.12.05 1.9MB Thief 2
Mixed Messages Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2003.10.31 S W L 39.3MB Thief 2
Monastery of St. Fera, The Goit 1999.08.05 5.67 1.2MB Thief 1
More Time to Foil Karrass Adrian May (Nirvana) 2000.07.02 4.5 1.8MB Thief 2
Moth to a Flame madwolf (Kevan Swain) 2005.10.15 W L 13.5MB Thief 2
Mother's Love, A Kfort 2005.10.02 10.1MB Thief 2
Mountain Monastery, The Christine Schneider 2006.10.05 S 22.5MB Thief 2
Mr Chuz Azrarhn 2005.08.27 1.9MB Thief Gold
Mr. J's Ring Rabid Bunnie Wabbit 2001.12.12 2 562KB Thief 2
Murder in Featherstone Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2008.09.17 L 3.8MB Thief Gold
Museum Heist Buglesoft 2001.11.23 2.9MB Thief 2
Mylokh's Tower Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2005.10.02 3.3MB Thief 2
Mysterious Invitation PsymH 2009.04.23 18MB Thief 2
Mystery at the St. Anne Inn Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2007.09.06 45.3MB Thief 2
Mystery Man, The Doaal (Guillaume Manders) 2001.04.23 8.63 R L 4MB Thief 1
Mystic Estate, The GORT (Shaun M.D. Morin) 2004.07.12 74.2MB Thief 2
Mystic Estate, The GORT (Shaun M.D. Morin) 2004.08.13 41.2MB Thief 2
Mystic Gems I - Unlucky Soul Wille 2006.11.08 S 13.2MB Thief 2
Mystic Gems II - Heart of Bohn Wille 2008.08.24 S L 18MB Thief 2
Mystic Lady Christine Schneider 2004.04.22 S 9.1MB Thief 2
N'lahotep's Tomb Fafhrd 1999.09.27 3 S 814KB Thief 1
New Place for Ghosts, A Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.08.18 62MB Thief 2
Nice Game of Chess, A Kevin Daughtridge 2013.04.16 31.1MB Thief 2
Nice Stroll, A demagogue 2005.10.01 921KB Thief 2
Nigel's Hidden Treasure Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2013.02.18 6MB Thief 1
Niggsters erste FM The Niggster (Niklas Schwenkschuster) 2009.02.10 501KB Thief 2
Night at the Theatre Pinky and The Brain 2000.08.20 3.25 R 570KB Thief 2
Night before Christmas, The DarkShadow 2009.11.23 S L 12.2MB Thief 2
Night Falcon, The Christine Schneider 2004.03.09 S W 168.5MB Thief 2
Night Flight TheHardyBoyz 2008.12.05 451KB Thief 2
Night I Ghosted Berkshead, The Gumdrop (Tim Murray) 2001.07.02 688KB Thief 2
Night in Rocksbourg: A New Beginning, A DrK (Kubiac) 2006.01.11 S L 48.4MB Thief 2
Night in Rocksbourg: Discovery, A DrK (Kubiac) 2006.01.11 S L 79.5MB Thief 2
Night in Rocksbourg: Ink and Dust, A DrK (Kubiac) 2008.05.12 S H 160.9MB Thief 2
Night in the Pub, A Oskar "Hrothgar" Schwermer 2002.02.26 2.9MB Thief 2
Night of the Singing Potion William the Taffer 2005.10.02 6.4MB Thief 2
Night of Trickster Savar 2012.12.16 136.3MB Thief 3
Night Shift, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2006.05.09 3.7MB Thief 2
Night Visit to the Natural History Museum, A Louve 2004.09.07 4.7MB Thief 2
Night Watch, The Fidcal 2007.01.28 W L 91.9MB Thief 2
Night's Profit, A Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2010.07.15 L 4.7MB Thief 2
Night's Recourse William the Taffer 2002.08.25 6 1.5MB Thief 2
Night's Stroll, A Christine Schneider 2002.08.18 S W L 7.3MB Thief 2
Nightmares Amelico 2004.03.17 S L 9.9MB Thief 2
No Honor Among Thieves Goldchocobo 2010.04.29 143.5MB Dark Mod
No More Clients for Monty Duodecimal 2005.10.02 1MB Thief 2
Noble Death, A Ishy 1999.06.04 3.5 697KB Thief 1
Nostalgia Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) 2006.10.29 29.3MB Thief 2
NVGizmos Nameless Voice 2004.09.06 1.9MB Thief 2
Obligatory Prison Mission Jonathan Seymour (Maver1ck) 2007.06.24 1.7MB Thief 2
Oblivion Wrichards 1999.09.17 5 4.5MB Thief 1
Ochiru (Japanese) MaitchinguMachikoSensei 2002.05.26 196KB Thief Gold
Odium, The Chibboleth 1999.07.20 4.67 1.4MB Thief 1
Of the Sinister Awakening Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2010.09.15 14.6MB Thief 2
Off the Record Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2008.12.25 L 8.7MB Thief 2
Off to Milhorn Manor JackInTheBox 2011.06.23 54.1MB Thief 2
Oh, L'Amour Rufus 2009.10.08 7.9MB Thief 2
Old Bad Fellows Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2004.09.05 L 2MB Thief 2
Old Comrades, Old Debts Bukary and Ernie 2002.08.25 9 6.1MB Thief 2
Old Friend, An Lost Soul 2008.11.30 6.41 13.1MB Thief 2
Old Tribe Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2006.10.30 3.7MB Thief 2
Oldstone Castle, The Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana) 2007.07.06 W 48.1MB Thief 3
OMG Get You're Blackjack Back! LOL Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2006.12.07 791KB Thief 2
Ominous Bequest Eshaktaar (Renzo Thönen) 2008.05.14 10.5 W H L 19.5MB Thief 2
Order of the Vine, The Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep) 2000.08.30 8.5 7.8MB Thief 1
Original Thief 2 Missions Looking Glass Studios 2004.01.30 1.3MB Thief 2
Orthodox Wedding TDBonko 2006.06.09 16.3MB Thief 2
Osama Bites the Dust William The Taffer 2003.02.02 2.1MB Thief 2
Oswald's Patisserie PMouse 2001.08.30 7 891KB Thief 2
Out for a Walk JJ 2006.08.11 S 2.3MB Thief 1
Out for Revenge Istvan Varga 2004.05.27 S H L 9.5MB Thief 2
Outpost, The angua 2009.10.08 1.9MB Dark Mod
Overlord's Ending, The Firemage (Jordan_Maf) 2012.05.19 71.9MB Thief 2
Paladine Manor Mark Roller (BlackRuin) 2001.09.27 5 2.4MB Thief 2
Pandora's Box Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2010.07.10 7MB Dark Mod
Parcel, The Xonze 2009.12.24 6.5MB Dark Mod
Partytime MH.TheFreak 2006.06.26 8MB Thief 2
Patently Dangerous demagogue 2009.10.31 22.7MB Dark Mod
Payback Sonnich Brinch Nielsen (Nielsen74) 2006.04.17 2.4MB Thief 2
Payback! Tern 1999.08.23 5.25 1MB Thief 1
Pereira's Mansion Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.03 9.7MB Thief 2
Perfect Job, The LythasBiggestFan 2012.02.18 15.5MB Thief 2
Pestis Cruenta Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2012.04.02 29.5MB Thief 2
Phoenix Hath Risen, The Darthslair 2008.10.04 L 4.3MB Thief Gold
Pirate's Downfall, A Nick Dablin (nicked) 2006.10.02 W L 14.5MB Thief 2
Pirates Ahoy! Greenhorn 2008.08.17 S 63.6MB Thief 2
Plagarism Genie_bottle (Paul) 2004.02.29 5.5 1.5MB Thief 2
Playground of Doom Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.01 19.4MB Thief 2
Plot Dront 2008.09.30 25.5MB Thief Gold
Plot Thickens, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2008.09.15 7.68 7.4MB Thief 2
Podroz do Krainy Biedakow Kapitan Smith 2007.11.19 8.4MB Thief 2
Ponterbee Station Christine Schneider 2008.10.22 S 66.9MB Shock 2
Poor Lord Bafford JordanCS 1999.06.04 4 1.1MB Thief 1
Portisco Head Ravenhook (Duncan Ardley) 2006.07.17 L 2.6MB Thief 2
Power of Suggestion, The Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2009.09.01 S W 8.5MB Thief 2
Powerslaves Paul Buckley (pbucko) 2005.08.13 959KB Thief 2
Precious Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16) 2012.12.05 1.2MB Thief 2
Prison of Garrett, The Flecha das Sombras 2005.01.28 3.2MB Thief 2
Prisoner's Revenge Jan "Vitus" Vitek 1999.09.20 6.5 1.3MB Thief 1
Prodigal Corpse, The Pseudonymouse (Chris Howcroft) 2000.12.23 2.1MB Thief 1
Profane Ascension Tomi Väisänen 2004.07.14 W L 17.1MB Thief 2
Projekt Hammer DarkThief 2010.06.27 1.1MB Thief Gold
Proov Mihkel Tsäko (Zombe) 2004.07.10 1.7MB Shock 2
Properly Paranoid Jabberwocky (Kris) 2004.02.29 6.6 12.8MB Thief 2
Prowler of the Dark Melan (Gabor Lux) 2008.12.30 1.6MB Thief 1
Quamtotius Purgamentum The Dude (Philip Shepherd) 2006.12.07 5.3MB Thief 2
Quiet Heat, The MotleyCat 2006.05.14 5.2MB Thief 2
Radiant Garden, The Theker (Steve) 2007.06.02 37.3MB Thief 2
Raid on Washout Central Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2001.06.08 9.25 L 6MB Thief 2
Ramirez's Revenge Apache 1999.12.01 6.25 1.7MB Thief 1
Ranstall Keep Alex "Dashjianta" Thomson 2000.06.15 9.5 12.8MB Thief 2
Ravencourt's Mansion T. Nagy Levente 2002.12.02 S 424KB Thief 2
Rebellion of the Builder GORT (Shaun M.D. Morin) 2006.09.21 L 71MB Thief 2
Red Ridge Darkfire 2001.12.14 3 614KB Thief 2
Redemption Brynolf 2008.10.15 L 21.5MB Thief 2
Reflections Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2010.07.25 7.4MB Thief 2
Relic - Left for Dead Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2003.03.21 10.75 W L 23.8MB Thief 2
Relic, The Timon 2004.02.29 7 6.2MB Thief 2
Relics Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2006.09.10 16.2MB Thief 2
Requiem for a Thief Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2009.09.10 6.3MB Thief 2
Rescue! RicknMel 2001.07.03 423KB Thief 2
Restored Cathedral, The Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty) 2002.10.26 S 1.9MB Thief Gold
Resurgence: The Ancient Crown Ymochel 2002.09.15 11.3MB Thief 2
Retaliation Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker) 2004.03.18 8.6MB Thief 2
Retreival Daniel "Fred Chook" Chapman 2002.08.25 1.9MB Thief 1
Retribution Turi Robert 2006.07.02 11.1MB Thief 2
Retrieval (vT2) Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2002.08.25 S 365KB Thief 2
Retrieval - Pedro Quintela Mix Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2006.08.03 657KB Thief 2
Retrieval of the Soul Istvan Varga 2004.01.23 S 7.6MB Thief 2
Return of Ramirez Griffin Bain 2009.02.14 532KB Thief Gold
Return to Bafford Manor DarthsLair 2006.11.28 L 2.9MB Thief Gold
Return To Tarnhill Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2013.08.01 73.6MB Thief 2
Return to the City Melan (Gabor Lux) 2010.01.10 9.7MB Dark Mod
Return to the Dark Temple BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.03.04 1.2MB Thief 2
Return to the UNN Blaydes 2005.06.10 S 38.4MB Shock 2
Returning a Favor Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2004.01.17 2.6MB Thief 1
Returning the Lockpicks Dront 2008.05.23 1.4MB Thief Gold
Reunification (Campaign) Beltzer 2012.11.19 192.1MB Thief 2
Reunion with Basso Zappenduster 2012.09.03 W 80.1MB Thief 2
Revenge Christine Schneider 2002.09.18 S W L 6.6MB Thief 2
Revenge of Lt. Hagen, The Firemage (Jordan_Maf) 2011.02.05 38.3MB Thief 2
RGB Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2003.01.25 S 2.4MB Thief 2
Ride the Butterfly Moghedian 2005.10.01 1.8MB Thief 2
Rift, The Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2010.08.15 10.1MB Dark Mod
Rigging the Votes TaXi (Eben Lassen) 2010.11.13 4.6MB Thief 1
Right Up There in the Mountains Troutpack 2005.11.19 7MB Thief 2
Ring, The Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre) 2001.09.20 L 1.1MB Thief 2
Ritual, The Twisty 2000.12.10 8.25 W 6.9MB Thief 2
Robbing A House BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2009.04.11 421KB Thief 1
Rogue's Honour Triston Attridge (Totality) 2000.01.31 7.83 5.4MB Thief 1
Rosaries are Red Tainted 2005.08.31 1.9MB Thief 2
Rose Cottage Saturnine (David Tonkinson) 2010.12.12 168.5MB Thief 2
Rose of Bantry, The Blutch (Etienne AUBERT) 1999.09.05 6.67 R 3.2MB Thief 1
Rowena's Curse Lady Rowena 2008.02.20 W 18.6MB Thief 2
Royal Garmyth, The Hidden In Shadows (Janne Kahkonen) 2005.11.06 8.5 2MB Thief 2
Ruined Rostvogel (Igor Smikalla) 2005.07.20 W L 29.4MB Thief 2
Ruins of Originia Terry Head (YcatX) 2002.10.25 W 201.4MB Thief 2
Run thief...RUN! Gumdrop (Tim Murray) 2002.07.04 7.6MB Thief 2
Rust Belt Prison John Denison 2013.07.03 L 14.1MB Thief 2
Rustler, The Naks 2011.11.24 15.7MB Thief 2
Safe Haven Vk 2003.10.09 1.2MB Thief 2
Saint of Redmound, The Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2001.05.13 9 S H L 3MB Thief 1
Saint, The Isaac "golem8" Kopecky 2004.02.29 5.5 2.1MB Thief 2
Saints and Thieves Jani Saarijärvi (Spitter) 2005.08.28 W L 26MB Thief 2
Sammy Pays His Dues Jbyrd23 2001.09.15 3.4MB Thief 2
SandBride Police Station Cookiedough (Rachel Yvonne) 2002.08.25 3 177KB Thief 2
Saturio Returns Home Robin G. 2001.04.27 9.17 R 5.1MB Thief 2
Saving Private Rye Anne Nirvana_Thief 1999.09.10 4 946KB Thief 1
Scary Castle, The Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 225KB Thief 2
Scepter of Dor Am'al part 1: Shipwreck Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2007.09.01 7.1MB Thief 2
Schizophrenica fibanocci 2013.04.06 23.3MB Thief 2
Schulmod anonymous 2004.03.23 553KB Thief 1
Secret Affair, A Aisha 2000.04.15 2.5 692KB Thief Gold
Secret Breaking of a Pyramid Zmey 2007.01.17 11.2MB Thief 2
Secret of Sir Stefan, The Christine Schneider 2002.12.15 S W L 8.1MB Thief 2
Secret Room, The Savar 2010.11.07 80.3MB Thief 3
Secret Way, The David Webb (Hengist) 2002.07.13 8 19.5MB Thief 1
Secret Weapon Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre) 2005.10.02 1.3MB Thief 2
Seeds of Doubt Duncan "The Deceiver" Cooke 2001.04.27 7.5 H 4.9MB Thief Gold
Sepulchre of the Sinistral Doaal (Guillaume Manders) 2006.02.04 S W L 7.9MB Thief 1
Serge Bank masterthief 2005.10.31 1.5MB Thief 2
Servant's Life, A John Denison 2006.09.10 35.3MB Thief 2
Servant's Revenge, A SlyFoxx 2004.12.15 5.9MB Thief 2
Settling A Score Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2010.07.03 2.4MB Thief 2
Seven Shades of Mercury, The Hammerite Imperium Team 2009.05.23 W L 187.1MB Thief 2
Seven Sisters, The Lady Rowena 2008.01.11 L 95.2MB Thief 2
Shadow Business Blutch (Etienne AUBERT) 1999.06.10 4.25 1019KB Thief 1
Shadow Moon P Forth 2008.09.04 6.44 1.2MB Thief 2
Shadow of Doubt (campaign) Sperry 2002.08.12 80.6MB Thief Gold
Shadow of Lord Rothchest, The Purah (Anthony Huso) 1999.09.07 6 L 2.5MB Thief 1
Shadow of Lord Rothchest, The Purah (Anthony Huso) 2004.11.18 L 4.4MB Thief 2
Shadow Plans Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2012.03.29 64.8MB Thief 2
Shadow Politics skacky 2012.04.28 2.9MB Thief Gold
Shadows in our Blood Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2012.06.28 28.2MB Thief 2
Shadows of Darkness: Exploring Frytefull Crypt Fitzambey 2006.12.07 395KB Thief 2
Shadows of Eidolon James West (MasterThief3) 2007.06.06 9.9MB Thief 2
Shining Standards Aaron Pettett (Spanker) 2002.03.06 9 5.2MB Thief 2
Shocking Ruins Christine Schneider 2008.10.09 S 27.2MB Shock 2
Shopping Stopover, A TheNightTerror 2006.01.08 L 2.3MB Thief 2
Short Night's Work, A Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2017.12.25 13.3MB Thief 2
Short Sewer TACOS 2000.12.27 530KB Thief 1
Shunned Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 1999.11.09 8.5 S W 4.8MB Thief 1
Silence Cracked Gear 2008.02.07 109.2MB Thief 3
Silent Nightmares Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker) 2003.03.02 6.5 15MB Thief 2
Simple Enough Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2005.01.19 6.7MB Thief 2
Simple Job Planned for this Evening, A thief0 2008.09.14 3.7 1.4MB Thief 2
Sinful Opportunities Polygon 2005.05.12 6.3MB Thief 2
Sinkhole, The Weasel 2013.04.18 101.4MB Thief 2
Sir Lector Comes to Dine William the Taffer 2001.11.03 5 1MB Thief 2
Sir William's Keep Wille 2008.05.08 S L 2.9MB Thief 2
Sisterhood of Azura, part 1: Estheridge And (Ben Hur) 2002.06.13 7 L 3.8MB Thief 2
Sisterhood of Azura, part 2: The House And (Ben Hur) 2006.12.18 L 8.5MB Thief 2
Skeletons in the Closet madwolf (Kevan Swain) 2005.01.25 7.5 W L 4.5MB Thief 2
Skulduggery Crispy 2005.10.25 5 16.5MB Thief 3
Skull Of Herzeloyde, The Tore "twindreamer" Bekken 2000.06.07 8 2.1MB Thief 1
Skull of Lysander Phillip McReynolds 1999.06.30 4 1.4MB Thief 1
Skull of St. Yora, The Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty) 2003.12.21 7.5 S 2.8MB Thief 2
Skygem Connection, The Dyald (David Dyal) 2007.01.17 35.5MB Thief 2
Skylab BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2008.07.03 659KB Thief 2
Slow but Steady Progress Vlad Midnight 2006.03.20 806KB Thief 2
Sluggs' FM Pack Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2003.07.18 1.1MB Thief 2
Sly's UT Arena SlyFoxx 2006.02.28 129KB Thief 2
Sly's UT Arena 2 SlyFoxx 2008.02.08 674KB Thief 2
Small Blackout, A Joseph Foy 2005.03.27 1.4MB Thief 2
Smuggler's Request, A Richard Cull (RiCh) 2001.01.16 9 R W H L 4.6MB Thief 2
Snatch and Grab Apache 2001.04.14 6.5 1.6MB Thief 2
Sneaking Through Venice Naks 2006.09.15 5.5 3.4MB Thief 2
Snobs part 1 Naks 2005.09.07 12.3MB Thief 2
Snobs part 2 Naks 2006.01.28 W L 27.5MB Thief 2
Snowball Fight! Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2011.02.05 7MB Thief 2
Snowstorm Theker (Steve) 2007.08.21 12.9MB Thief 2
So Long Hammers Ramirez's Old Fat Burrick 2004.08.09 L 3.9MB Thief 2
Some Shopping T. Nagy Levente 2006.12.26 4.1MB Thief 2
Something Up There Erik Willems 2002.09.24 1.8MB Thief 2
Somewhere Above the City Grayman 2010.08.20 10.6MB Dark Mod
Son of Dejavu 1: Mountain Maya Diego San (Zoro) 2011.03.10 L 7.5MB Thief 2
Sons of Baltona 1 Carnage 2010.01.09 2.7MB Dark Mod
Sorrowful Farewell, A Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2011.10.17 L 50.1MB Thief 2
Soulforge Revisited Freddy Fox 2011.07.27 H L 5.4MB Thief 2
Space Project, The BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2010.01.23 2MB Thief 2
Space Thief William the Taffer 2001.11.21 4 529KB Thief 2
Special Delivery Silencium18 2010.06.12 1.6MB Dark Mod
Special Vintage Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2005.10.20 S 37.5MB Thief 3
Spider Caves, The Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2004.03.04 4 1.1MB Thief 2
Spoof: The Daft Project Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2004.03.03 S 2.3MB Thief 2
Squeeky's Secret RicknMel 2001.08.01 4 348KB Thief 2
SSDD part I: Tipping the Scales GarrettWannabe 2007.06.05 22.5MB Thief 2
Starting From Scratch joebarnin (Jeff Eby) 2006.03.20 6.7 20.3MB Thief 3
Stiff Competition Keeperess 2001.12.15 5 1.1MB Thief 2
Stones and Glass Houses R Soul (Robin Collier) 2011.08.13 L 76.1MB Thief 2
Storm, The JJ 2006.07.21 1.1MB Thief 1
Stowaway Apache 2000.02.02 3.5 3.4MB Thief 1
Stowaway Finial 2000.06.06 7.5 1.9MB Thief 2
Strange Meeting Ar-Zimrathon (Sven Grunig) 2006.07.29 S W 10.4MB Thief 2
Strife Campaign Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2012.07.03 S 83.1MB Thief 2
Stronghold JohnEric 2010.04.30 6.63 H 6.8MB Thief 2
Sturmdrang Peak Nick Dablin (nicked) 2013.07.31 399MB Thief 2
Suffer Catalyst, The Asgaroth 2007.12.21 30.6MB Thief 2
Summit, The Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2004.02.29 6.2 5.8MB Thief 2
Sun Within and the Sun Without, The Qolelis 2010.03.06 W H 15.7MB Thief 2
Sunset in Darkdale P Forth 2006.07.31 2MB Thief 2
Surrounded by the Metal Age R Soul (Robin Collier) 2005.10.02 328KB Thief 2
Swamped (v1.1) Sharga (Aaron Lambert) 2002.03.17 8 3.3MB Thief 2
Sword of Drakul, The Michael Webb 1999.09.06 4.5 1.1MB Thief 1
T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age T2X Team 2007.02.18 S W L 656.6MB Thief 2
Taffer's Bank, The Thief0 2005.08.31 1.2MB Thief 2
Taffer's Shooting Gallery Justice01 2005.10.02 2.2MB Thief 2
Taffer's Tower, The Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2002.08.20 H 3.8MB Thief 2
Taking a Risk Kabatta 2010.08.09 453KB Thief 2
Tales from the Cleft: Ladytaker Balboa (Doug Brainard) 2010.12.01 39.2MB Thief 2
Tales from the Cleft: Vandal Balboa (Doug Brainard) 2009.02.26 W L 56.7MB Thief 2
Talisman of the Keepers Kozmala 2000.02.16 3.5 2.2MB Thief 1
TCrap TDBonko 2006.12.07 68KB Thief 2
Tears of Blood Sperry 2000.07.20 8.5 R L 6.3MB Thief 1
Tears of Saint Lucia, The TDM Team 2010.01.20 17.4MB Dark Mod
Teddy Bear's Curse Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.06 23.2MB Thief 2
Teh j0KeR Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2006.12.07 6.2MB Thief 2
Tell Tale Heart DarthsLair 2012.11.13 250.4MB Thief 2
Temple of Death Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.01.30 15.9MB Thief 2
Temple of the Forgers, The James Slade 1999.11.25 4 1.8MB Thief 1
Temple of the Tides Nameless Voice 2008.12.25 7.9 11.8MB Thief 2
The Curse Ramirez's Old Fat Burrick 2005.01.20 6.3MB Thief 2
The Goblins Gaëtane 2004.09.06 W L 20.3MB Thief 2
Theft in High Towne, A Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2009.12.15 L 32.2MB Thief 2
Thief - The Chain Project Chain Project Team 2007.04.01 8.1MB Thief 2
Thief 2 - CTF Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2002.08.25 7.5 3.3MB Thief 2
Thief Noir Gumdrop (Tim Murray) 2005.10.02 8.7MB Thief 2
Thief Nonetheless, A Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2005.10.01 S L 630KB Thief 2
Thief Trinity Theker 2008.01.27 26.8MB Thief 2
Thief's Den Fidcal 2010.07.04 4.4MB Dark Mod
Thief's Holiday 2004, A Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2005.01.02 H 16MB Thief 2
Thief's Rising Adsk1 2013.04.26 104.2MB Thief 3
Thief: Brainchild Sperry 2002.06.18 6.5 4MB Thief 1
Thievery? Dark Arrow 2005.10.02 1.4MB Thief 2
Thieves Quarter, The Alan (Rugball) Miles 2000.09.01 6.5 1.6MB Thief 1
Thieves' Highway Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2005.11.10 S W 9.4MB Thief 2
Thieves, The Silencium18 2009.11.26 8.6MB Dark Mod
Third Time's the Charm Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2009.09.16 48MB Thief 2
Thork Terry DeLaney (Ricebug) 2010.08.31 36.7MB Thief 2
Three Crowns Bryan Gleason (BBB) 2007.12.07 31.3MB Thief 2
Three Mages Tomb (aka Skully Demo) Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2002.04.12 1.8MB Thief 2
Throne Room T. Nagy Levente 2002.08.26 161KB Thief 2
Through No Vault of My Own Brother Renault 2006.03.18 1.7MB Thief 2
Thru the Lookin' Glass Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2006.11.16 6MB Thief 2
Ties that Bind, The Hit Deity 2002.06.25 8 1.9MB Thief 2
Till Death do us Part MysteryMan 2013.05.23 L 111.5MB Thief 2
Time for Culture Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.07 35.9MB Thief 2
Time That Has Passed, The Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2005.01.29 S L 7.8MB Thief 2
Timoteus Timon 2003.01.28 5.5MB Thief 2
To Send a Message Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2009.10.08 265KB Thief 2
To the End with Nothing Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2011.02.01 6.3MB Thief 2
To Whom The Bell Tolls DarthsLair 2007.01.21 S W 1.2MB Thief Gold
Tom's Fun Level Fuzzydodge & Thomas 2003.07.22 403KB Thief 1
Too Good to be True THEthief (Rachel Ford) 2005.10.02 7.5MB Thief 2
Too Late Sonnich Brinch Nielsen (Nielsen74) 2010.09.09 2.4MB Dark Mod
Torben - The Traitor IOnDo 1999.06.18 6.5 854KB Thief 1
Torn Apart Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds) 2007.06.03 43.7MB Thief 2
Torner Island Harald (Haman) Lootze 2003.12.08 13.7MB Thief 2
tOt 1: The Escape taffer9 2006.12.07 148KB Thief 2
Tower in the Forest, The Notesthes 2013.01.03 19.2MB Thief 2
Tower of Illusion Wrichards 1999.06.22 4 3.4MB Thief 1
Tower of St. Moria, The DarthsLair 2011.04.03 L 64.5MB Thief 2
Tower, The Lady Rowena 2008.11.30 9.03 20.7MB Thief 2
Trail of Blood 2 Steffen Lehnert (intruder) 2011.04.13 L 36.6MB Thief 2
TrainSpotting Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2002.02.15 7 2.1MB Thief 2
Transitions in Chaos, pt 1: Conspiracies in the Dark Ramirez's Old Fat Burrick 2006.06.25 S L 21.6MB Thief 2
Trapped! RailGun 2009.12.30 6.2MB Dark Mod
Treachery Sperry 2000.10.01 666KB Thief 1
Treason and Plot Nick Dablin (nicked) 2006.02.12 1.5MB Thief 2
Treasury, The Bryan Matthews 1999.11.07 7.5 W 1.8MB Thief 1
Trial by Night Scarza.MJA 2002.03.22 7.5 L 5.6MB Thief 1
Tribal Breeze Ticky 2009.12.12 5.2MB Thief 2
Trickster's Castle, The Dark Ghost Lord 2004.09.12 W L 11.3MB Thief 2
Trickster's Gem Mine: Chasm of the Lost parts 1 & 2 Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2004.05.24 21.6MB Thief 2
Trickster's Gem Mine: Errand Boy Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2000.08.03 7 W 5MB Thief 2
Trickster's Gem Mine: Making Tracks Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2002.04.01 8.5 L 8.5MB Thief 2
Trickster's Gem Mine: Shore Leave and Up Shit Creek Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2001.08.01 8.5MB Thief 2
Trickster's Gem Mine: Training Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2004.05.09 3MB Thief 2
Trickster's Return, The Sneaky Shadow 1999.09.20 5.5 3.6MB Thief 1
Trickster's Rift Gem Mine and Elsewhere Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2004.05.16 17.8MB Thief 2
Turn of the Tide madwolf (Kevan Swain) 2005.06.10 W L 17.5MB Thief 2
Turning the Tables Daniel Corder aka Thiefs_Pawn 2000.05.22 8.5 4.8MB Thief 1
Turtle on Its Back, The Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2001.09.11 8 S 516KB Thief 2
Tuttocomb's Tomb Asymuth and Sperry 2000.03.11 W 7MB Thief 1
Two Fathers Uncadonego (Don Adam) 2003.03.25 9 S W L 4.8MB Thief 2
Two Steps David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2005.06.22 28MB Thief 3
Two Towers Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2004.02.01 3.1MB Thief 2
UFO (Japanese) JIS 2002.01.28 W L 2.1MB Thief Gold
Ultima Ratio PsymH 2009.04.23 L 25.9MB Thief 2
Unbidden Guest, The Melan (Gabor Lux) 2008.08.09 7.9 2.7MB Thief 2
Undead Reckoning John Denison 2004.01.07 L 18.5MB Thief 2
UndeadLand JIS 2002.05.26 2.3MB Thief Gold
Under Templehill The Pixie (Andy Joel) 2006.01.11 W L 12.9MB Thief 2
Underground Escape THEthief (Rachel Ford) 2002.08.25 4 379KB Thief 2
Underneath Charlybegood 2007.04.15 3.3MB Thief 2
Unfinished Business SlyFoxx 2005.03.10 W L 15.9MB Thief 2
Unforgiven: Mission One Adramelech 1999.12.06 1.5 14MB Thief 1
Unfortunate Formulae Timon 2005.10.02 3.3MB Thief 2
Unholy Vivid Innocence Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2010.02.13 H L 12.1MB Thief 2
Uninvited Guest, The Paul D Rotter (eepcat) 2008.07.10 47.2MB Thief 2
Uninvited Guests Shock Troop 1999.08.11 214KB Thief 1
United Bank of Auldale mxleader (Patrick Baldwin) 2007.12.24 4.8MB Thief 2
Unknown Danger CMD 2012.11.30 78.8MB Thief 2
Unknown Temple Judith 2008.02.08 S 36.2MB Thief 3
Unknown Treasure, The GORT (Shaun M.D. Morin) 2007.12.07 31.6MB Thief 2
Unmasked Sonnich Brinch Nielsen (Nielsen74) 2008.03.05 3.2MB Thief 2
UNN Nightwalker Christine Schneider 2008.10.29 S 54.2MB Shock 2
UNN Polaris-32Ao Christine Schneider 2008.10.29 S 86.6MB Shock 2
Unnecessary Risk SlyFoxx 2007.11.29 22.5MB Thief 2
Unseen, The skacky 2013.04.07 14.9MB Thief Gold
Unsung Villain, The R Soul (Robin Collier) 2008.09.15 7.38 5.1MB Thief 2
Unusual Conditions demo Christine Schneider 2007.12.09 S 5.6MB Thief 2
Upside Down Zontik 2011.04.24 115.2MB Thief 2
Ura Turi Robert 2007.08.18 13.6MB Thief 2
Vadrigar's Prison Pedro Quintela (cardia1) 2008.02.03 22.5MB Thief 2
Vagabond Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) 2009.09.08 L 27.7MB Thief 2
Valley Flux 2008.08.01 75.5MB Thief 3
Vampire Skull Nick Dablin (nicked) 2008.11.30 4.59 476KB Thief 2
Varyx Obelisk, The xarax 2001.04.20 6.67 W 4.1MB Thief 1
Veil of Deceit Savar 2012.01.04 151.8MB Thief 3
Victralia's Realm Rachel Yvonne 2001.11.17 3 245KB Thief 2
Vigil, The Banshee 2000.02.01 8.67 2.3MB Thief 1
Viktor Gaspar Balboa (Douglas Brainard) 2004.02.29 6.6 3.6MB Thief 2
Virtual Asylum Sperry 2001.01.25 1MB Thief 1
Visit for the Knights, A Max Breuillot (DarkMax) 2010.06.18 17MB Thief 2
Visit to Lord Ashton's, A (v2) Christine Schneider 2002.08.18 S W L 4.7MB Thief 2
Volcano Island Prison Facility Caradavin 2005.10.02 584KB Thief 2
Von Ratten, Spinnen un einer Flucht Kamon 2006.04.16 2.6MB Thief 2
Walk, The Serge 2005.10.09 23.7MB Thief 3
Walkin' da Moon! BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.12.07 2.2MB Thief 2
Walkin' on Mars BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2009.05.05 730KB Thief 2
Wanted: Dead or Alive SoulOnIce 1999.08.16 1.3MB Thief 1
Warehouse 51 Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) 2001.09.02 7 1.7MB Thief 2
Water Arrow In the Fire, A Flecha das Sombras 2005.04.06 3.3MB Thief 2
Waterlogged Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2000.05.28 1.4MB Thief 2
WaterWay Tunnel part 1, The Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2004.12.19 2.6MB Thief 2
WaterWay Tunnel part 2, The Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hladík) 2005.05.04 2.9MB Thief 2
Way Home Notesthes 2013.04.02 9.2MB Thief 2
Way of the Sword, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2007.11.11 27.9MB Thief 2
We Miss You, Bob! Monastiri 2008.03.30 1MB Thief 2
Weak Links ghost_in_the_shell 2008.11.30 6.91 2.8MB Thief 2
Wedding at the Bar, A Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2006.01.30 1.2MB Thief 2
Wedding of Lady Dark, The Theker (Steve) 2007.11.05 79.9MB Thief 2
Wedding of Sir Andre, The Christine Schneider 2003.05.24 S W L 10.7MB Thief 2
Weekend Getaway, A Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2008.11.30 7.9 40.6MB Thief 2
What a Drag! Philou 2006.11.07 S 9MB Thief 2
What Lies Below Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2014.10.29 8.3 L 81.4MB Thief 2
What've You Found Little Fly? Xorak (Christopher Lafond) 2012.08.18 L 47.8MB Thief 2
Whatever Happened to Sir Agutt? Monastiri 2010.01.27 15.9MB Thief 2
When Angels Refuse to Die Balboa (Doug Brainard) 2009.09.16 8.7MB Thief 2
When Still... Eternauta (E.R.) 2010.12.30 S L 107.3MB Thief 2
Whispers In The Desert Nick Dablin (nicked) 2009.06.07 L 39.6MB Thief 2
Wicked Relics Kfort (Katy Fortner) 2009.06.24 L 57.2MB Thief 2
Wicked Webs We Weave Darthslair 2009.05.23 W L 12.3MB Thief 2
Wickerman, The MaJiC (Mark Cole) 2001.12.14 6 2.5MB Thief 2
Willow Island (v1.01) Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2000.10.21 8.67 S 3.7MB Thief 2
Winter Holiday, A Timon 2006.01.09 5.1MB Thief 2
Winter's Night, A Christine Schneider 2002.12.15 S W L 3.1MB Thief 2
Woodkey Resthouse GOB 2003.06.10 4 3.5MB Thief Gold
Working the Mines Fred Thiefstone 2004.02.29 5.5 1.9MB Thief 2
Worlds Collide Jabberwocky 2003.08.09 L 4.6MB Thief 2
Yakuza (Japanese) JIS 2002.02.26 424KB Thief Gold
Your Last Breath John D. 2008.04.16 7.5 959KB Thief 2
Yume no Rozen Sxerks 2008.11.30 5.13 S W 24.3MB Thief 2
Zealot's Hollow Xorak (Christopher Lafond) 2013.04.30 210.4MB Thief 2
Zombie Killer Neo 2007.12.18 408KB Thief 2
1016 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)