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A capsule review:
A very fun mansion mission, with attached crypts and sewers.
Architecture is very nice indeed. Flow through the mission is superb.
I played in expert. Initially while you are in an open area you are
quite constrained by guards. So you have to take a roundabout path
just to get on the other side of a courtyard. Very nice. Then you
have several possible paths you can take at nearly every point in the
mission. As you clear the place of guards (if you're doing that), open
doors and shut off cameras, the mission opens up significantly and you
have nearly free roam of the place. I hate having to search for loot
while avoiding guards at the same time.
Puzzles are all of the gameplay form, where you have to figure out how
to get up somewhere or how to get around some guards, instead of "find
the hidden foobar and figure out how to use it".
Really, just a damn good sneaker mission.
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