Seeds of Doubt - FAQ

WARNING - This file contains spoilers. There are no hints or clues, just direct answers.

(All text is in white so highlight to read)

Location of all the gems
How to open the weapon shop safe
Opening the double doors in the underground temple
Combination for the teleport device
How to kill the Deceiver

Location of all the gems

  A jewelled necklace can be found in a secret room inside the house
  with the guy nailed to the ceiling. The switch for the secret room
  is underneath the bed.

  There are two in the house in the closed off road. One is in the
  bedroom behind the painting. There is a switch behind the bedroom
  door that will move the painting. The second one can be found in
  the kitchen fireplace.

  On the west side of town there is a building with a veranda. To the
  north of that building there is an open window. Shoot a rope arrow
  up so you can reach the chest on the window sill.

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How to open the weapon shop safe

  Look for a button on the floor below the shop counter. Once pressed
  it will reveal the safe. The key to the safe is on the table in the
  other room where the owner is sleeping.

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Opening the double doors in the underground temple

  On either side of the doors there is an element lock.
  One requires the Earth key, the other requires the Air key.
  Use the correct key on each lock to open the doors.

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Combination for the teleport device

  Start by facing the fire lock. Turn to your left (north). The first
  button you see is #1. If you continue to turn left, the next button
  you see will be button #2, so the next will be button #3 and #4.

  With this in mind the combination you need is 1,3,2.

  After pressing the correct buttons, press the pedestal below the
  fire lock. If you have entered the correct combination the device
  will now activate, if not the device will reset itself and you'll
  need to re-enter the combination.

  Once the device is activated you need to press the coil hanging from
  the ceiling.

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How to kill the Deceiver

  To destroy the deceiver you need to throw the skull at him. If he
  is unaware of your presence, a single hit will kill him.

  If he is aware of your presence you'll need to hit him about 5 times.

  Once he is destroyed you can exit the chamber by pressing the coil.

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