What Lies Below


Location Item Value Total
Sector 12 Storage, behind barrels Silver Nugget 50 50
Under lamp outside Power Room Coin x 2 10 60
Power Room on desk in box Statue 50 110
Offices - on floor, lhs of north desk Coins x 3 15 125
Offices - on floor rhs of south desk Statue 15 140
In ceiling (above bridge near power room) Mask 200 340
Sector 13 Keeper room (SW corner) Sword 50 390
Southwest room Jar 20 410
West Sluice Gate Control (below grating) Coin 5 415
North end of West Sluice Statue 15 430
West Sluice, opposite flooded tunnel Gem 20 450
Flooded tunnel joining W and E Sluices Coin x 3 15 465
East Maintenance (behind crate) Purse 30 495
Room west of Drain Control  Coin (under table) 5 500
Coin (under chair) 5 505
13/14 Crossover Gate Control - south room Coin (under chair) 5 510
North Office  Jar 20 530
Tunnel south of Control Room Tapestry 50 580
Room below South Office Coin x 2 10 590
Statue 15 605
Sector 15 NW Keeper room Tapestry 50 655
Crystal 25 680
Keeper room behind machines Crystal 25 705
Torc 350 1055
Office (on floor by chair) Coin 20 1075
Upper passageway (below broken bench) Coin x 2 10 1085

Freddy Fox - 18th September 2006