Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

Here's what you can grab:

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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Half-Blind Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds) 2006.12.07 2.4MB Thief 2
Having Regrets Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2006.12.07 459KB Thief 2
Scary Castle, The Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 225KB Thief 2
Medal Age, The R Soul (Robin Collier) 2006.12.07 596KB Thief 2
TCrap TDBonko 2006.12.07 68KB Thief 2
Shadows of Darkness: Exploring Frytefull Crypt Fitzambey 2006.12.07 395KB Thief 2
Hammerite Hideout Cavalorn (Csongor Hos) 2006.12.07 352KB Thief 2
Kill the Guard P Forth 2006.12.07 152KB Thief 2
Drop, The Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 451KB Thief 2
Teh j0KeR Tom N Harris (Telliamed) 2006.12.07 6.2MB Thief 2
OMG Get You're Blackjack Back! LOL Yandros (Russ Robbins) 2006.12.07 791KB Thief 2
Chuffy Train Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2006.12.07 282KB Thief 2
Long Way Down, A Mortal Monkey 2006.12.07 1.5MB Thief 2
Incubus Sterlino 2006.12.07 7.2MB Thief 2
Bad Man Mortal Monkey 2006.12.07 178KB Thief 2
Quamtotius Purgamentum The Dude (Philip Shepherd) 2006.12.07 5.3MB Thief 2
Cube, The Jason Otto (Ottoj55) 2006.12.07 493KB Thief 2
Kill Factory Sliptip 2006.12.07 3.9MB Thief 2
Walkin' da Moon! BG Taffer (Svetlio) 2006.12.07 2.2MB Thief 2
tOt 1: The Escape taffer9 2006.12.07 148KB Thief 2
House Rob! thief0 2006.12.07 907KB Thief 2
21 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)