Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Cabal part 3: Heart of the Deal Judith 2011.02.05 586.6MB Thief 3
Forgotten Stash Bardic 2006.11.08 5.8 24.5MB Thief 3
Avoiding Mistrust DarkDragon 2008.09.05 S 47.5MB Thief 3
Keeper, The Savar 2010.08.18 66.7MB Thief 3
Kings and Queens IronEagle 2012.10.11 198.7MB Thief 3
Creature Clash 3 Dark Arrow 2006.02.04 5.3 19.5MB Thief 3
Crypt, The Norbert Navratil 2007.01.22 7.6 29.6MB Thief 3
Cabal part 2: Night of the Long Knives David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2010.10.20 174.4MB Thief 3
Hearts and Minds David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2007.12.10 S 54.1MB Thief 3
Night of Trickster Savar 2012.12.16 136.3MB Thief 3
Silence Cracked Gear 2008.02.07 109.2MB Thief 3
All The World's A Stage Callum Cameron (Rantako) 2009.08.25 L 44.9MB Thief 3
Secret Room, The Savar 2010.11.07 80.3MB Thief 3
Veil of Deceit Savar 2012.01.04 151.8MB Thief 3
Bad Feeling Serge 2007.08.14 57.6MB Thief 3
Defender of the Crown Komag (Ben Ramsey) 2005.10.25 6.2 22MB Thief 3
Two Steps David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2005.06.22 28MB Thief 3
Bridge, The Dom Wright (str8g8) 2006.07.13 92.6MB Thief 3
Escape from Castle Black Bho 2005.12.05 23.8MB Thief 3
Oldstone Castle, The Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana) 2007.07.06 W 48.1MB Thief 3
Cabal part 1: Furious Flames Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana) 2010.10.11 L 464.2MB Thief 3
Walk, The Serge 2005.10.09 23.7MB Thief 3
Starting From Scratch joebarnin (Jeff Eby) 2006.03.20 6.7 20.3MB Thief 3
Lord Julian's Labyrinth Massimiliano Goi 2008.05.01 W 12.4MB Thief 3
Abandoned Kingdom ERH+ 2012.01.11 130.8MB Thief 3
Valley Flux 2008.08.01 75.5MB Thief 3
Evicted Nomad 2006.10.30 14.3MB Thief 3
Thief's Rising Adsk1 2013.04.26 104.2MB Thief 3
Blue Rose, The Savar 2010.07.20 S 76.2MB Thief 3
Skulduggery Crispy 2005.10.25 5 16.5MB Thief 3
Unknown Temple Judith 2008.02.08 S 36.2MB Thief 3
Cabal part 4: Knife to the Heart Nomad 2011.02.14 403.8MB Thief 3
Hotel Savar 2010.09.10 S 75.4MB Thief 3
Garden of the Wizard, The IronEagle 2012.05.12 S 226.1MB Thief 3
Cabot Flux 2008.01.31 S 15.9MB Thief 3
Lord Raven's Mansion DarkDragon 2008.08.17 S 40.4MB Thief 3
Crystal Clear Conscience Judith 2006.02.28 61.5MB Thief 3
Special Vintage Gonchong (James D. Roberts) 2005.10.20 S 37.5MB Thief 3
Krellek's Labyrinth A.Scott Kingston (ascottk) 2005.10.24 84.2MB Thief 3
Impurities in the Mix David Ayre (Ziemanskye) 2005.08.10 52.7MB Thief 3
40 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)