Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Outpost, The angua 2009.10.08 1.9MB Dark Mod
Rift, The Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2010.08.15 10.1MB Dark Mod
Heart of Lone Salvation Baddcog / Schwaa (J. Knez) 2010.04.02 40.4MB Dark Mod
Business as Usual Bikerdude 2010.01.14 4.6MB Dark Mod
Caduceus of St. Alban, The Bikerdude 2010.08.24 9.9MB Dark Mod
Sons of Baltona 1 Carnage 2010.01.09 2.7MB Dark Mod
Patently Dangerous demagogue 2009.10.31 22.7MB Dark Mod
Thief's Den Fidcal 2010.07.04 4.4MB Dark Mod
Chalice of Kings, The Fidcal 2009.10.15 2.8MB Dark Mod
Betrayal Fieldmedic 2010.08.17 12.8MB Dark Mod
No Honor Among Thieves Goldchocobo 2010.04.29 143.5MB Dark Mod
Somewhere Above the City Grayman 2010.08.20 10.6MB Dark Mod
Awaiting The Storm HappyCheeze 2010.05.22 4.1MB Dark Mod
Mad's Mountain Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2010.07.31 2.3MB Dark Mod
Crown of Penitence, The Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2009.10.16 10.5MB Dark Mod
Pandora's Box Jesps (Jesper Thingholm) 2010.07.10 7MB Dark Mod
Return to the City Melan (Gabor Lux) 2010.01.10 9.7MB Dark Mod
Builder's Influence, The RailGun 2010.03.20 15.5MB Dark Mod
Trapped! RailGun 2009.12.30 6.2MB Dark Mod
Deceptive Shadows Shadowhide 2012.09.16 S W 22.4MB Dark Mod
Special Delivery Silencium18 2010.06.12 1.6MB Dark Mod
Thieves, The Silencium18 2009.11.26 8.6MB Dark Mod
Too Late Sonnich Brinch Nielsen (Nielsen74) 2010.09.09 2.4MB Dark Mod
Living Expenses Sonosuke 2010.01.02 5.9MB Dark Mod
Alchemist, The Sotha 2010.06.01 26.4MB Dark Mod
Glenham Tower, The Sotha 2010.07.17 5.3MB Dark Mod
Beleaguered Fence, The Sotha 2010.06.23 10.9MB Dark Mod
Illusionist's Tower stumpy 2010.06.05 8.6MB Dark Mod
Lord Dufford's stumpy 2010.03.31 22.2MB Dark Mod
Dark Mod Training Mission (French) TDM Team 2009.10.17 5.9MB Dark Mod
Tears of Saint Lucia, The TDM Team 2010.01.20 17.4MB Dark Mod
Parcel, The Xonze 2009.12.24 6.5MB Dark Mod
32 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)