Welcome to Targa's House 'O Thief Stuff! Here you will find all sorts of goodies for Thief 2: The Metal Age. Feel free to use these and/or distribute them with your Fan Missions.

Dromed only: I couldn't stand the sight of those ugly pews in the gorgeous Fan Missions people are building, so I created a few better-looking ones. There's a mech, hammerite, and plain one in this zip file. Click on the picture to download it.

Dromed/All: I was browsing the UT Thievery web site and saw that they had cooler-looking potions than we do. No way I'm gonna let that happen! ;o) You know the drill...click-the-pic!

Dromed only: Check out these plates, they even have a Keeper emblem on the back! These are definitely "keepers". :p Click on pic to download the zip file.

Dromed only: Muhahahaha!!! .... functional, frobbable guillotine... 'nuff said.

Dromed/All: A new compass style I was playing around with. Cool huh?

Dromed/All: Easy to make, but pretty freaky-looking huh? Gives me the creeps having that staring back at me!

Dromed only: I got an e-mail suggestion stating that Thief doesn't have enough variety of bottles, so here's a few more for all you mission builders.

Dromed only: Adding to the bottle collection, here's a jug and a broken bottle.
Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or comments, if you'd like to see something in particular made available to the Thief community, or just to let me know that someone's enjoying my stuff, ya taffer! ;o)
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