Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

Here's what you can grab:

Everything / For game: T1 - TGold - T2 - T3 - DarkMod - Shock2 / Missions with: Loot Lists - Walkthroughs - Hints - Screenshots - Reviews - Ratings - High Ratings
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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Inverted Manse, The (v1.1) David Riegel (Sledge) 2001.04.22 10 R 20.8MB Thief 2
Bloodstone Prison Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) 1999.11.27 9.83 R H 2.3MB Thief 1
Saturio Returns Home Robin G. 2001.04.27 9.17 R 5.1MB Thief 2
Greyfeather Gems - Part 2: Rodamill Maria Ström (Morrgan) 2005.08.21 9 R S L 14.9MB Thief 2
Smuggler's Request, A Richard Cull (RiCh) 2001.01.16 9 R W H L 4.6MB Thief 2
Benny's Dead (v1.2) The Gingerbread Man 2000.09.12 9 R W L 5.8MB Thief 2
Karrassinian Threat, The Paul Buckley (pbucko) 2001.10.20 9 R 11.4MB Thief 2
Geller's Pride Jani Saarijärvi (Spitter) 2001.05.21 8.75 R W L 5.8MB Thief 1
Mystery Man, The Doaal (Guillaume Manders) 2001.04.23 8.63 R L 4MB Thief 1
Tears of Blood Sperry 2000.07.20 8.5 R L 6.3MB Thief 1
Rose of Bantry, The Blutch (Etienne AUBERT) 1999.09.05 6.67 R 3.2MB Thief 1
Gervasius' Archery Tournament Mike Hopper 2001.04.21 6 R 2.8MB Thief 2
LaFrenier, Real Criminal Boss Oldrich Nic 2001.03.01 5 R 787KB Thief 1
Friends in Shadow Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep) 2001.04.20 4.5 R W 4.7MB Thief 1
Fishmonger Keith Kelly (Zail) 2000.06.20 4.25 R 1.7MB Thief 1
Night at the Theatre Pinky and The Brain 2000.08.20 3.25 R 570KB Thief 2
F (Japanese) JIS 2001.05.05 3 R 874KB Thief Gold
17 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)