These scripts are provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Nameless Voice will not be liable for any incidental, special, consequential or any other damages that may result from the use or inability to use this software.

First of all, I would like to thank Telliamed for making this script module possible.

- About the scripts -

These scripts make use of the Editor->Design NoteScript->ObjList Args property in the same way as Telliamed's scripts:

From Telliamed's documentation:
The Editor\Design NoteScript\ObjList Args property is used to specify most parameters for a script. The design note is a string that can be a list of parameters, or a single parameter by itself. A parameters is a keyword, followed by an equals sign (=), then an argument. The argument may be surrounded with single or double quotes. Multiple parameters are separated with a semi-colon (;). If you need to include a semi-colon in an argument, then it must be surrounded by quotes. A quote mark can be included by using the other type of quote mark to surround the argument, or escape the quote mark with a back-slash. (e.g. 'a \'quoted\' argument')

When a script looks for an integer or flag parameter, you can have it read a quest variable. After the equals sign, type a dollar sign ($) and the name of the quest variable. There may not be space between the dollar sign and the variable name.

In this document, script parameters which are underlined must be specified for the script to function: NormalParameter; RequiredParameter

NVTrap scripts

All the scripts labelled as NVTraps (those that respond to TurnOn / TurnOff messages) inherit behaviours from a generic 'NVTrap' base script, which allows you to use parameters to imitate an independent Script->Trap Control Flags property for each script, even when you have several on the same object. Each 'Trap' script understands five parameters, (Where [ScriptName] is the name of the script as you entered it into the S->Scripts property.):

Use this parameter to specify which script message should activate the trap. The default is TurnOn.

Use this parameter to specify which script message should deactivate the trap. The default is TurnOff.

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of times that the script will work. You can use [ScriptName]Count=1 to emulate the Once Trap Control Flag. The default is 0 (infinite).
Both TurnOn and TurnOff are counted by default. You can use [ScriptName]CountOnly=1 to ignore TurnOff, and [ScriptName]CountOnly=2 to ignore TurnOn. Sending the trap a ResetCount message will reset the counter.

You can use [ScriptName]On="TurnOff";[ScriptName]Off="TurnOn" to simulate the Invert Trap Control Flag; [ScriptName]On="Null" can be used to simulate NoOn and [ScriptName]Off="Null" can be used to simulate NoOff
You should probably avoid using the same message for both. Remember that if you specify [ScriptName]On="TurnOff" without specifying [ScriptName]Off, then TurnOff will be specified for both values.

The scripts that this applies to are denoted in this document by the words NVTrap in parentheses after their names.
Please note that the standard Trap Control Flags property is not used or supported.

NVTrigger scripts

All the scripts labelled as NVTriggers (those that respond to events by sending TurnOn and TurnOff messages) inherit behaviours from a generic 'NVTrigger' base script, which allows you to use parameters to imitate an independent Script->Trap Control Flags property for each script, even when you have several on the same object. Each 'Trigger' script understands six parameters, (Where [ScriptName] is the name of the script as you entered it into the S->Scripts property.):

Use this parameter to specify which script message the trigger should send when activated. The default is TurnOn.

Use this parameter to specify which script message the trigger should send when deactivated. The default is TurnOff.

You can use trigger on and off parameters to specify a stim to send instead. To do this, first enter the intensity surrounded by square brackets, followed by the stim name. For example: [ScriptName]TOn="[5.00]WaterStim".
You can also specify a range of stims by specifying the minimum and maximum intensities, separated by a pipe. For example: [ScriptName]TOn="[5.00|10.00]WaterStim" will send a WaterStim with a random intensity between 5.00 and 10.00. Note that the result is a floating point number anywhere inside the range, it is not limited to whole numbers.

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of times that the script will work. You can use [ScriptName]TCount=1 to emulate the Once Trap Control Flag. The default is 0 (infinite).
Sending of both TurnOn and TurnOff messages are counted by default. You can use [ScriptName]TCountOnly=1 to ignore TurnOff, and [ScriptName]TCountOnly=2 to ignore TurnOn. Sending the trigger a ResetTriggerCount message will reset the counter.

Use this parameter to specify a % chance that the trigger will fail (do nothing) when it is activated. For example: [ScriptName]FailChance=35 will give the trigger a 35% chance to fail when activated.

You can use trigger on and off parameters to specify a stim to send instead. To do this, first enter the intensity surrounded by square brackets, followed by the stim name. For example: [ScriptName]TOn="[5.00]WaterStim"

Use this parameter to specify the object that the trigger should send messages to. Either specify a single object or archetype (see below), or use the name of a link type to broadcast the message along, preceded by an & symbol. The default is [ScriptName]TDest="&ControlDeviceSwitchLink". To have the message sent along a single random link of the specified type (rather than all links of that type), put a question mark (?) between the & and the link type.
Example: [ScriptName]TDest="&?ControlDeviceSwitchLink" will send the message down a random ControlDeviceSwitchLink link.
If you want the randomly chosen link to be deleted, then use [ScriptName]KillLinks=1.
You can also use weighted random links via [ScriptName]TDest="&Weighted". This will examine ScriptParams links and treat their data (must be an integer) as the chance of that link being chosen. (A link with data of 2 will be chosen twice as often as one with data of 1). Weighted random only work with ScriptParams links.
Finally, you can use either * or @ to affect all objects that inherit from a specific archetype: * will only affect objects which are direct descendants, and @ will affect all descendants.
For example: [ScriptName]TDest="*Chest" would affect all Chest (-2571) objects in the mission, but will not affect objects based on its descendant archetypes of Safe (-5986), VicHopeChest (-5773), LC_Chest (-4067), and SeaChest (-2817). [ScriptName]TDest="@Chest" would affect all of these objects.
In addition, you affect all objects within a specific radius. First enter the radius, then the less-than symbol (<), followed by the archetype name. For example: [ScriptName]TDest="5.00<Chest" will affect all Chest objects or descendants withing a radius of 5.00 DromEd units. Note that the radius function will affect objects in the same way as @ - in other words, all descendent archetypes will also be affected.


For any parameter that specifies the name or number of an object for the script to affect, you can use [me] to use the object with the script, or [source] to use the object that sent the triggering message (the latter may not work in all circumstances). You can also precede the name of an archetype or metaproperty with the ^ symbol to use the nearest object that inherits from the one specified. For example, "^Marker" will affect the nearest object that descends from the Marker archetype, while "^FrobInert" will affect the nearest object that has the FrobInert metaproperty (either itself or on one of its archetypes). Unfortunately, this function does not seem to work in System Shock 2.

A description of each of the scripts follows:

Traps: Version required: T2 SS2
NVAirLock (NVTrap) v1.0.4 Yes Yes
NVAITeamSetter (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVAmbientSoundTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVCreateAndLink (NVLinkBuilder) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVCutsceneTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVDeleteTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVDetoxTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVDifficultyRelay (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVDiminishingParticles (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVDoorSpeedTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVEndTrap (NVTrap) (SS2 only) v1.0.5 No Yes
NVGibTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVGlowTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVItemGiver (NVTrap) v1.0.2 Yes Yes
NVLinkBuilder (NVTrap) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVMapTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes No
NVMetaTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.9 Yes Yes
NVMultiplayerTrap v1.1.0 No Yes
NVOnscreenText (NVTrap) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVParticleGroup (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVPhantomTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.8 Yes Yes
NVRandomPropertyTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 ? ?
NVRecalcTrap (NVTrap) (SS2 only) v1.0.5 No Yes
NVRelayTrap (NVTrap) (NVTrigger) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVScaleDims (NVTrap) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVSelectTrap (NVTrap) v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVSimpleSchemaPlayerTrap v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVSlayMeTrap v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVSRContactTrap v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVStackOrDropTrap v1..0 Yes Yes
NVStackTrap v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVSuspiciousTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.0 Yes No
NVTextureTrap v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVTweqDevice v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVTrapConverse (NVTrap) v1.0.4 Yes Yes
NVVOTrap (NVTrap) v1.0.0 Yes Yes

Triggers: Version required: T2 SS2
NVFrobToggle (NVTrigger)
v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVHPTrigger (NVTrigger) v1.0.3 Yes Yes
NVRelayTrap (NVTrap) (NVTrigger) v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVTrigContained v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVTrigOBB v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVTrigRoomPlayer v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVTrigQVar v1.0.7 Yes Yes

AI Scripts: Version required: T2 SS2


NVGhostingMessages v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVIncapacitatedMessages v1.0.0 Yes ?

Miscellaneous Scripts: Version required: T2 SS2
v1.0.8 Yes Yes
v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVBattery (SS2 only) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVCloneContactFrob v1.0.8 ? Yes
NVComestible (SS2 only) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVCombineTypeSetter v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVConsumeMessages v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVContainedMessages v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVCursedObj v1.0.7 Yes No
NVDeathCutscene v1.0.6 No Yes
NVDeathStageFix v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVDoorStartsOpen v1.0.4 Yes Yes
v1.0.0 Yes No
NVExclusiveObject v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVGuaranteedLoot v1.1.0 No Yes
NVHealingGland (NVMedPatchScript) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVHolyH2OHack (NVInvTransform) v1.0.2 Yes ?
NVInvAssembly v1.0.8 Yes Yes
NVInvAssembly2 v1.0.6 Yes Yes
NVInvTransform v1.0.2 Yes Yes
NVInventoryMemory v1.0.0 Yes No
NVInvSound v1.0.8 Yes Yes
NVKeyringKey v1.0.6 Yes No
NVMedKitScript (NVMedPatchScript) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVMedPatchScript v1.1.0 No Yes
NVNameOnCreation v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVNewWeapon v1.0.0 Yes Yes
NVParticleTrailProjectile v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVPickyProjectile v1.1.0 Yes Yes
NVPlayerScript (NVPlayerScript) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVPsiKitScript (NVMedPatchScript) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVPutIntoContainers v1.0.5 No Yes
NVQVarName v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVRecycler (SS2 only) v1.1.0 No Yes
NVRotatable v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVSimpleDoor v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVSafeDoor v1.0.0 Yes ?
NVStartUnrotated v1.1.0 Yes ?
NVSwapSword v1.1.0 Yes No
NVTweqMessages v1.0.0 Yes ?
NVTwoSpeedDoor v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVUnusableUnlessQVar v1.0.8 Yes ?
NVWhoKilledMe v1.1.0 Yes ?

Debug / Mission Design Scripts:
Version required: T2 SS2
v1.0.0 Yes ?

Version History

- Traps -

NVAirLock (NVTrap)

This script controls two airlock doors, both linked from it with ControlDeviceSwitchLink (or SwitchLink for SS2)(or ControlDevice for Thief 2) links.
Upon being triggered, it first locks itself so that it cannot be triggered again until it is finished.
Second, it sends TurnOn down any ScriptParam links with a data "Alarm".
Third, it closes both of its doors.
Once the doors are closed, it sends TurnOn down ScriptParams links with data "Vent".
It then waits for the number of milliseconds specified by NVAirlockDelay (the default is 5000ms), and turns the vents off again.
After this, it opens the door that was closed originally.
Finally, once this door is open, TurnOff is sent to the Alarm and the trap is unlocked.
An example setup (Thief 2):
Create a button, two MechBlastDoors, a MechRedAlarm, and a Marker and a TrapTrig.
Arrange the two blast doors in a corridor with a fair space between them, and place all the other objects in that space.
Give the TrapTrig the NVAirlock script.
Create a ControlDeviceSwitchLink link from the button to the TrapTrig, and one from the TrapTrig to each of the doors. Now, create a ScriptParams link from the TrapTrig to the MechRedAlarm, data "Alarm", and another from the TrapTrig to the Marker, data "Vent.
Finally, give the marker the ActivateAmbient script and an A->AmbientHacked property with a Schema Name of "M11steam" and a Radius of 30 or so.
You should also give one of the doors the NVDoorStartsOpen script.

NVAITeamSetter (NVTrap)

When the mission starts or its object is created (on BeginScript), this script sets the AI->AI Core->Team property of its object to the value specified by NVAITeam, or to a value equal to the object number if none is specified (effectively giving each AI a unique team). This allows you to have more than the default number of AI teams in a mission.

NVCreateAndLink (NVTrap->NVLinkBuilder)

A derivative of NVLinkBuilder.
Upon receiving TurnOn, this script creates the object specified by NVCreateAndLinkCreate.
It then creates a link to the new object, with the flavour specified by NVLinkType.
By default, it links from the object with the script, but you can specify a source object via the NVCreateAndLinkLinkSource parameter.
A TurnOff message will destroy the object if it still exists and is still linked. Alternatively, you can specify NVSlayCreated=1 to have the object slain rather than destroyed.
You can use the NVCreateAndLinkLoc parameter to specify the location at which to create the object and NVCreateAndLinkRot to specify the rotation. (Specify both values as a string with three numbers separated by comas, eg: NVCreateAndLinkLoc="1.0,0.0,0.0"; NVCreateAndLinkRot="360,0,0")
By default, this is a relative value from the location of the current object, but you can use the NVCreateAndLinkLocObj parameter to specify another object, or 0 for an absolute location.
If you do not specify a location, the object will be created at 0, 0, 0.
You can specify data for the link in exactly the same way as you can with NVLinkBuilder, except that the parameters are NVCreateAndLinkLinkData#Field and NVCreateAndLinkLinkData#Value. The old params, that simply use 'NV' instead of 'NVCreateAndLink' will still be used as fallbacks, but as of NVScript 1.1.0, the new parameters specific to NVCreateAndLink should be used, to allow NVCreateAndLink and NVLinkBuilder to co-exist on the same object.

Multiple copies: This script has multiple copies, allowing you to apply it multiple times with different parameters to the same object. Add a number after the script name to use another instance of the script, and adjust the name of the script used in the script's parameters accordingly.

Example: you can use the following scripts: NVCreateAndLink, NVCreateAndLink2, NVCreateAndLink3, NVCreateAndLink4. In each case, replace the NVCreateAndLink in the name of each parameter with the name and number of the script you are using. e.g. NVCreateAndLink2Create will specify the object to create for NVCreateAndLink2.

NVAmbientSoundTrap (NVTrap)

This script plays the schema that is linked to it via a SoundDescription link as an ambient sound.
The sound can be turned on and off by TurnOn and TurnOff messages, unlike the default AmbientSounds script.

NVLinkBuilder (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script creates a link with the flavour specified by NVLinkType between the objects specified by NVLinkSource and NVLinkDest.
A TurnOff message will remove the link.

You can specify data for the link by using NVLinkData#Field and NVLinkData#Value (where # is a number between 1 and 10, maximum). To specify booleans, use 1 for True and 0 for False; to specify vectors use the format: "0.00, 0.00, 0.00".
If the link you want to create has no fields (such as ScriptParams links), then you must omit NVLinkData#Field.

To find out the name of the field, create the appropriate flavour of link in DromEd and hit Edit Data. The field name is exactly the same as the label next to each box, including spaces and other special characters. If there are no labels in the Link Data window, then that link flavour has no fields (and you need to omit NVLinkData#Field).
For example, valid fields on a Flinderize link are: "Count", "Impulse", "Scatter?", and "Offset".
If you specify an invalid link flavour or an invalid field name, DromEd will throw up an error message and possibly crash when this script is triggered. You have been warned.

NVEndTrap (NVTrap)
System Shock 2 only.

Upon receiving TurnOn, this trap will instantly end the game. The NVEndVideo parameter can be used to specify the filename of a video to play. The filename specified must include the file extension (typically, .avi) and the file should be located in the cutscenes folder.

NVGlowTrap (NVTrap)

Smoothly fades its object's dynamic light over time.
TurnOn will make the object fade to its max glow, set via the NVGlowMax parameter, over the course of the time specified by the NVGlowFadeOn parameter.
Similarly, TurnOff will make the object fade to its minimum alpha (NVGlowMin) over the time specified in NVGlowFadeOff.
The defaults are to go from 0 (no dynamic light) to 100 over 1000ms.
The time is how long it would take for the object to go from the minimum glow to the maximum glow value.
The script will always start from the object's current dynamic light value, so if the script is sent TurnOn halfway through fading out, it will fade back in smoothly from its current level of light, rather than going instantly to the min value and fading to the max from that.

NVCutsceneTrap (NVTrap)

This script plays the video clip specified by NVCutscene when activated (TurnOn).
The file extension must be included, e.g. NVCutscene="Credits.avi". The file is played from the Movies folder (Thief) or the Cutscenes folder (SS2).

NVDeleteTrap (NVTrap)

This script deletes all ControlDeviceSwitchLink-linked objects when it receives TurnOn.
This is in contrast to the standard destroy trap script TrapDestroyTrapDestroyer, which merely slays the objects rather than deleting them.

NVDifficultyRelay (NVTrap)

This script relays TurnOn and TurnOff messages along ScriptParams links depending on the currently set difficulty.
Messages are sent along those links that have their data set to Difficulty#, where # matches the currently difficulty setting.
Not technically an NVTrigger, but supports message customisation like one.

NVDetoxTrap (NVTrap)
System Shock 2 only.

When activated by TurnOn, this script detoxifies the player by the amount specified by NVDetoxTrapAmount (default is 1).

NVDiminishingParticles (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, slowly diminishes the number and lifespan of particles in its particle group over time, eventually slaying the object when there are no particles left.
Every 250ms, the number of particles is reduced by the value specified in NVDiminishAmount, and the particles' lifespan is decreased by 0.01. The interval can be modified via the NVDiminishInterval parameter.

NVDoorSpeedTrap (NVTrap)

Multiple speed door controller.
Sets the speed of the door to the value specified by NVDoorSpeedTrapOnSpeed on TurnOn, and to that specified by NVDoorSpeedTrapOffSpeed on TurnOff.

NVGibTrap (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script sends the object's contents flying and destroys it. The object is not slain, but destroyed / deleted.


Gives the object specified by the NVGiveWhat parameter to the object specified by the NVGiveTo parameter (or the Player if none is specified). If the item is an archetype, an instance of that object is created instead. Objects will stack where appropriate.

NVMapTrap (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script marks a specified automap location as having been visisted. Use the parameters NVMapTrapPage and NVMapTrapLocation to specify the map location.

NVMetaTrap (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script adds the metaproperty specified by the NVMetaTrapMeta parameter to its object.
The metaproperty is removed on TurnOff.

You can add a delay before the metaproperty is added or removed via the NVMetaTrapOnDelay and NVMetaTrapOffDelay, both times are in milliseconds.

As of NVScript v1.1.0, you can use the NVMetaTrapOnDelay and NVMetaTrapOffDelay params to specify a delay before adding and removing the metaproperty, respectively.

As of NVScript v1.1.0, you can use the NVMetaTrapQVar parameter to specify a quest variable to append to the end of the metaproperty name. For example, an NVMetaTrap with NVMetaTrapQVar="Difficulty"; NVMetaTrapMeta="M-Diff" will check the value of the "Difficulty" quest variable, and then append that number to the end of the metaproperty name, e.g. "M-Diff0", "M-Diff1", "M-Diff3", etc.

Multiple copies: This script has multiple copies, allowing you to apply it multiple times with different parameters to the same object. Add a number after the script name to use another instance of the script, and adjust the name of the script used in the script's parameters accordingly.

Example: you can use the following scripts: NVMetaTrap, NVMetaTrap2, NVMetaTrap3, NVMetaTrap4. In each case, replace the NVMetaTrap in the name of each parameter with the name and number of the script you are using. e.g. NVMetaTrap2Meta will specify the object to create for NVMetaTrap2.
Note: if the metaproperty parameter for a specific NVMetaTrap is missing, it will fall back to the generic NVMetaproperty parameter, regardless of which NVMetaTrap script is searching for it.

NVOnscreenText (NVTrap)

Loads a book string and displays both the text and the quest variable that it specifies onscreen.
This behaves slightly differently from a standard book; rather than simply displaying the value of the string "page_0", it displays first the contents string "page_0", then the value of the quest variable specified in the string "QVar", and finally the contents of "page_1".

So, for example (assuming that the quest variable TestQVar is 54), the string file:

Page_0: "At present, the qvar is "
QVar: "TestQVar"
Page_1: ". Thank you for asking."

would be displayed as "At present, the qvar is 54. Thank you for asking."
You can also use Design Note parameters instead of a string file. Use the parameters NVPage_0, NVQVar, and NVPage_1. You can also use NVText instead of NVPage_0 for simple onscreen texts.

As of NVScript v1.1.0, you can specify a colour via the NVOnscreenTextColour parameter. Colours can be specified as either basic colour names (e.g. "red" or "blue"), or as a HTML-style colour code (e.g. #ff0000 or #0000ff).
Also as of NVScript v1.1.0, you can use the NVOnscreenTextFocusRead=0 parameter to make the object not automatically display its text when focused. This can be extremely useful when used in combination with Script, FocusScript FrobInfo, as this will make the text appear on screen when the object is frobbed, and remain there for as long as the player is looking at the object.

NVParticleGroup (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script activates its object's particles. TurnOff will deactivate them.

NVPhantomTrap (NVTrap)

Smoothly fades its object's transparency over time.
TurnOn will make the object fade to its max alpha, set via the NVPhantomAlphaMax parameter, over the course of the time specified by the NVPhantomFadeOn parameter.
Similarly, TurnOff will make the object fade to its minimum alpha (NVPhantomFadeOn) over the time specified in NVPhantomFadeOff.
The defaults are fully invisible (0.00 alpha) to fully opaque (1.00 alpha) over 1000ms.
The time is how long it would take for the object to go from 0.00 to 1.00, so if you are using other min or max values, you will have to adjust the rates accordingly.
The script will always fade from the object's current alpha value, so if the script is sent TurnOn halfway through fading out, it will fade back in smoothly from its current transparency level, rather than going instantly to the min value and fading to the max from that.

NVRandomPropertyTrap (NVTrap)

Assigns a random value to a property upon receiving TurnOn. This is a very advanced and powerful script, but it can also crash the game or editor if not used properly.
The property to modify is specified via the NVRandomPropertyTrap. This is the internal name of the property as used by the Set Property receptron (amongst other things).
You must specify the subproperty to modify via the NVRandomPropertyTrapSubProperty parameter, unless the property has no subproperties, in which case this parameter must be omitted.
The property will be set to a value between NVRandomPropertyTrapMin and NVRandomPropertyTrapMax. If the property is a flags value (multiple selections are possible), then use the NVRandomPropertyTrapIsFlags=1 paramter.
If you would like to prefix a string of text in front of the number, use the NVRandomPropertyTrapPrefix parameter.
Warning: attempting to use this property to put the wrong type of data into a property will probably result in a crash, e.g. putting a string (via the prefix option) into a numeric property.
The script does not currently work for floating point values or vectors.
This script has only been minimally tested.

System Shock 2 only.

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script will recalculate the player's derived statistics, such as Psi points, max Psi points, inventory capacity, etc., based on the player's current stats.

NVRelayTrap(NVTrap, NVTrigger)

Relays TurnOn and TurnOff messages along its ControlDeviceSwitchLink links. Why? Because this can be used with the various options available to NVTrap and NVTrigger scripts. You can use NVRelayDelay to delay the message by the specified number of milliseconds. If you specify NVRelayDelayMax, then a random delay between the time specified by NVRelayDelay and that specified by NVRelayDelayMax will be used.
If you want to abort any messages that are still waiting to be sent when the trap is triggered again, use NVExclusiveDelay=1.
You can use NVRelayRepeat to have the trap send the message a specific number of times each time it is triggerd. Only works when NVRelayDelay is specified. The time between each repeat is randomised if you use NVRelayDelayMax.
Use NVRelayRepeat=-1 to repeat the message infinitely. An infinite repeat infers NVExclusiveDelay=1. The infinite repeat will stop if the script receives the opposite message from that which triggered it. TurnOff will stop an infinite-repeating TurnOn, and TurnOn an infinite-repeating TurnOff.
If you only want to allow TurnOn messages to activate the repeating trigger, then use NVRepeatOnly=1. You can use NVRepeatOnly=2 to only allow repeating TurnOff messages.

(Theoretically, this should work for both patched and unpatched versions of Thief 2, but I haven't tested it. If it does, then it could be used instead of TrapTimedRelay.)

Multiple copies: This script has multiple copies, allowing you to apply it multiple times with different parameters to the same object. Add a number after the script name to use another instance of the script, and adjust the name of the script used in the script's parameters accordingly.

Example: you can use the following scripts: NVRelayTrap, NVRelayTrap2, NVRelayTrap3, ... up to NVRelayTrap10. In each case, replace the NVRelayTrap in the name of each parameter with the name and number of the script you are using. e.g. NVRelayTrap2On will specify the object to message to trigger NVRelayTrap2.

NVSelectTrap (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script selects (or equips) the inventory item specified by NVSelectTrapItem.

NVScaleDims (NVTrap)

This script is designed to be used in conjunction with the default TweqOnOff script and the Tweq->Scale property, but it can also be useful if you change the Shape->Scale of an object ingame using other methods.
Upon receiving TurnOn, this script will scale the physical dimensions and offset of the object to match its current Shape->Scale.
If the Tweq->ScaleState property is currently active (AnimS is On), then a timer named "FixDims" is started, which will fix the dimensions every 100ms until either a TurnOff or TweqComplete message is received (at which point the timer will be turned off to save system resources and prevent lag).
The NVBaseLock=1 parameter will anchor the lower edge of OBB objects, so that they grow/shrink upwards only.

NVSimpleSchemaPlayerTrap (NVTrap)

A simple script that plays the schema specified by NVSchema at its location upon receiving TurnOn, and halts the schema on TurnOff

NVSlayMeTrap (NVTrap)

This script slays its object when it receives TurnOn.

NVSRContactTrap (NVTrap)

This script initiates S & R contact on its own object when it receives TurnOn.

NVStackOrDropTrap (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script checks if the player is currently carrying an item of the type specified by NVStackOrDropTrapObject. If he is, then the stack count of that object is increased by 1.
If the player is not carrying an item of that type, then one will be created in the world. The object will be placed at (0,0,0) unless the NVStackOrDropTrapLoc parameter is specified. If that parameter is given, then it is an offset from the location of the script object, or else the object specified by the NVStackOrDropTrapLocObj parameter. You can also use NVStackOrDropTrapRot to specify the rotation of the newly created object.

NVStackTrap (NVTrap)

This script increases the stack count of its object by 1 when it receives TurnOn, and reduces the stack count by 1 when it recieves TurnOff.

NVTextureTrap (NVTrap)

This script can repeatedly replace textures on nearby brushes with other textures, with a specifiable delay in between, through a pre-defined list of textures.
It will first replace any nearby instances of the texture specified in NVTextureTrap0 with the texture specified in NVTextureTrap1, then waits for the number of milliseconds specified by NVTextureTrapDelay, then replace that texture with the one specified in NVTextureTrap2, and so on. It will repeat this process until it runs out of valid texture name parameters.
Individual delays for each step can also be specified, by using the NVTextureTrapDelay# parameter, where the # is replaced by the stage you wish to specify a time for.
The trap will activate when it receives TurnOn, and will stop (at whatever texture it has reached) when it receives TurnOff.
You specify the maximum distance at which textures will be replaced via the Engine Features->Retexture Radius property. If this property is ommited, the trap will not work.
You can use the parameter NVTextureTrapLoop=1 to have the trap loop back around to the first texture when it runs out, which will create an infinitely cycling loop.

NVTweqDevice (NVTrap)

On TurnOn, this script activates its object's tweqs in a Forwards direction and plays schemas with tags Event Activate.
On TurnOff, it activates its object's tweqs in a Reverse direction and plays schemas with tagsEvent Deactivate.

NVSuspiciousTrap (NVTrap)
Not available for System Shock 2.

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script makes its object suspicious.
The suspiciousness is removed via TurnOff.
If any AIs have an AISuspiciousLink to the object when it is turned off, then it is removed, along with an AIWatchObj links (in case you're using Telliamed's HighlySuspicious script).

NVTrapConverse (NVTrap)

Upon receiving TurnOn, this script triggers the conversation associated with its object.
Basically, this is a clone of the standard TrapConverse script.
Although you might find some use from the added flexibility of an NVTrap, this script is primarily for use with System Shock 2, which lacks TrapConverse.

NVTrapSetQVar (NVTrap)

An improved version of the standard TrapSetQVar script.
Upon being triggered, it sets the value of a quest variable. A quest variable that does not exist will be created, and its previous value will be assumed as zero.

For details of how to use the Trap->Quest Var (Thief) or Script->QB Name (SS2) property, see Telliamed's excellent guide.
NVTrapSetQVar and NVTrigQVar support a few new features, however.
Firstly, you can use the name of a quest variable in place of the numerical argument, in which case the value of that variable will be used instead. For example, you could use +QVar2:QVar1 to set QVar1 to its current value plus that of QVar2. You can also place a question mark ('?') in front of the name of this qvar to give a random number between zero and its value - so +?Qvar2:QVar1 would increase QVar1 by a random value between zero and that of QVar2.

See also: NVTrigQVar


A replacement for the standard VOSounds script.
Plays a different voiceover schema depending on the value of a quest variable. Use the parameter NVVOQVar to specify the quest variable to read, and create ScriptParams links to each schema. The schema will be played if the link data is equal to the value of the variable.
If no link matches or the quest variable doesn't exist, then a SoundDescription link is used instead (if one exists).
The script will only play one schema (the first matching link). If you can actually think of a reason to have it play multiple voiceovers at the same time, then I can easily change it.

- Triggers -

NVFrobToggle (NVTrigger)

When an object with this script is frobbed, either in the world or in inventory (FrobWorldEnd and FrobInvEnd messages), alternating TurnOn and TurnOff messages are sent along its ControlDeviceSwitchLink links.
As this is an NVTrigger script, you can use NVFrobToggleTDest="[Me]" to send the messages to the object itself, rather than along the links; this is of particular use in this case as it can allow you to cut down on objects.
If you want the object to start 'on' (the first frob will send TurnOff, rather than the default TurnOn), use the NVFrobToggleStart=1 parameter.

NVHPTrigger (NVTrigger)

Sends TurnOn when an object's hit points drop to or below the value specified by NVHitPoints. If the hit points raise above that value again, then TurnOff is sent.

NVTrigContained (NVTrigger)

This script sends TurnOn messages when its object is contained (picked up) by the player, and TurnOff messages when the item is no longer contained (dropped/thrown) by the player.

NVTrigOBB (NVTrigger)

This script acts like the standard TrigOBB script: it sends TurnOn when someone enters its radius, and TurnOff when they leave. The object must have an OBB physics model with the 'Is Edge Trigger' flag set.
By default, any object that inherits from Creature (-8) or Avatar (-2098) will activate the trigger. You can use NVTriggOBBPlayer=1 to have the script ignore creatures and only trigger when the Avatar enters its radius
The primary purpose of the script is to be a bounds trigger that supports the added functionality of the NVTrigger system.
In System Shock 2, the Creature (-8) and Avatar (-2098) archetypes are replaced by the Monsters (-162) and The Player (-384) archetypes, respectively.

NVTrigRoomPlayer (NVTrigger)

This script is basically a duplicate of the standard TrigRoomPlayer script that uses the NVTrigger system.
When applied to a room, it sends TurnOn when the player enters it, and TurnOff when the player leaves.


An improved version of the standard TrigQVar script.
Watches the state of a quest variable, and sends TurnOn when its value changes to satisfy the formula specified in the Trap->Quest Var property. If the value changes so that it no longer satisfies the formula, it sends TurnOff instead.

For details of how to use the Trap->Quest Var property, see Telliamed's excellent guide.
NVTrigQVar and NVTrapSetQVar support a few new features, however.
Firstly, you can use the name of a quest variable in place of the numerical argument, in which case the value of that variable will be used instead. For example, you could use >QVar2:QVar1 to check if Qvar1 is greater than QVar2. You can also place a question mark ('?') in front of the name of this qvar to give a random number between zero and its value.

NVTrigQVar supports the following additional operators:

Example: Variable = 102
Is true if the variable has just increased by exactly the argument. (Assuming a previous value of 98)
+4 is true.
+2 is false.
+5 is false.
Is true if the variable has just decreased by exactly the argument. (Assuming a previous value of 106)
-4 is true.
-2 is false.
-5 is false.
Is true if the variable has just increased by at least the argument. (Assuming a previous value of 98)
}4 is true.
}2 is true.
}5 is false.
Is true if the variable has just decreased by at least the argument. (Assuming a previous value of 106)
{4 is true.
{2 is true.
{5 is false.
Is true if the variable can be evenly divided by the argument. %10 is false.
%17 is true
%20 is false.
%51 is true.

See also: NVTrapSetQVar

- AI Scripts -


This script is designed solely for use in AI pseudo-scripts.
It adds several new pseudo-script actions that an AI can perform via a conversation, response, etc. To use these extra actions, simply add this script to the AI that you want to be able to perform these extra actions, and use the Script Message action, enter the name of the enhanced action into the Argument 1 box, and use Argument 2 and Argument 3 to specify the action's parameters (which vary between each enhanced action, see below.) The following enhanced actions are supported:

DelayedFrob: Frob the object specified in Argument 2 after the number of milliseconds specified in Argument 3. The pseudo-script will continue immediately. The object will be frobbed regardless of what happens to the AI during the delay (unless its object is deleted / destroyed). You can also use the third parameter to specify an object (such as a key) with which the AI should frob the object. Use the format delay; tool (for example, 2500; MyKey will wait 2500ms, and then frob the object specified in Argument 2 with the object named MyKey)

GiveItem: Place the object specified in Argument 2 into the inventory of the Player object. You can use Argument 3 to specify a delay (in milliseconds) before the item is given. You can also use Argument 3 to specify the name of a destination object, if you do not want to give the object to the player. To specify both for the action, use the format delay; destination (for example, 2500; Footlocker3 will wait 2500ms, and then place the item into the object named Footlocker3). Don't specify the destination first.
If the object to give is abstract (an archetype) then a new object of that type will be created and given instead. Given objects will stack with other objects of that type where applicable.

SendMessage: Sends the message specified by Argument 2 to the object specified in Argument 3 . You can also use Argument 3 to specify a delay (in milliseconds) before the message is sent; use the format delay; destination (for example, 2500; Footlocker3 will wait 2500ms, and then send the message to the object named Footlocker3. Don't specify the destination first.

CheckLock: Checks if the AI is able to open the door or other locked object specified by Argument 2, and aborts the pseudoscript (conversation/AIWatchObj link/response/etc.) if (s)he can.
In other words, the remainder of the pseudoscript will only run if the AI cannot open the door.

Follow: Tells the AI to start following the object specified in Argument 2, or the Player object if none is specified. The AI will navigate using the pathfinding database, and run to keep up if he or she gets too far behind. Please note that using this action will stop the AI from patrolling, and he or she will not return to the patrol or to his/her origin when the following stops. Of course, you can simply set the AI to patrol again manually, by setting the AI->Ability Settings->Patrol: Does Patrol property back to True.

StopFollowing: Tells the AI to stop following any objects he or she might be following. There are no arguments. The place that the AI is standing will become his or her new idling origin. If you absolutely must have the AI return to his or her original origins after following something, then give that AI a custom metaproperty with the AI->State->Idling: Origins property manually entered.


This script handles Ghosting Failed messages.
An AI with this script will cause ghosting to fail if he is injured, killed, knocked out, or his AI->State->Current Alertness is raised to 2 or higher.
Each time ghosting is failed, the mission-scope quest variable NVGhostingFailed is incremented by 1.
The first time ghosting is failed, the message "Ghosting Failed!" is displayed. If the mission-scope quest variable NVGhostingMessages is set to 1, then the message (and count) will be displayed every time ghosting is failed.
You can also use the NVGhostingMessages=1 parameter.

This script can also be applied to normal (non-AI) objects, which will then fail ghosting when damaged or slain.
AIs who inherit from "bow man", with an AI->Ability Settings->Flee: Conditions for Flee of Never and AI->AI Core->Notices Bodies = False (the archers in "Life of the Party") will not trigger this script, nor will objects named "Cavador", or anything with the parameter NVGhostingIgnore=1.

You can change the default ghosting failed message by defining your own in PlayHint.str. The three strings used by the script are: GhostingFailed (displayed the first time ghosting is failed), GhostingFailed2a (the first part of the message displayed on subsequent failures - this goes before the count) and GhostingFailed2b (this goes after the count). Here is a sample of a PlayHint.str using the default messages:

GhostingFailed: "Ghosting Failed!"
GhostingFailed2a: "Ghosting Failed!\n(Total: "
GhostingFailed2b: " times)"

You will probably want to include a space at the end of GhostingFailed2a and one at the start of GhostingFailed2b when writing your own custom message.


An AI with this script will send an 'Incapacitated' message to itself when it is knocked out or killed. The message is sent just after the AI finished his or her knockout/death motion.

- Miscellaneous -


On Sim start or when Created ingame, this script crawls back through the inheritance of the object looking for the first ScriptParams link with a data of 'Attach'.
It then creates an object of the type linked to and adds a CreatureAttachment link from the script's object to the newly created object.
You can specifiy the attachment joint via the NVAttachMyObjJoint paramter.

As of v1.0.8, you can have this script use ParticleAttachement links to attach the created object, instead of CreatureAttachment links, by setting the parameter NVAttachMyObjAsParticle=1.


This script adds some more messages to AIs, which can be used to trigger NVTrap scripts.
The messages are:

System Shock 2 only.

Fixed Battery script for SS2. This fixes the bug that would cause a battery to recharge a seemingly random amount of energy (rather than 100%) when used after moving it between levels.


When used in inventory, a clone of the object is made and a stimulus reaction is initiated between the clone and the frobber.
This script is designed to allow this system, used by Thief's healing potions, to be used in System Shock 2.

System Shock 2 only.

When used in inventory, the object with this script will heal the player by one hit point and reduce its stack count by one.
It also plays a schema with the tags "Event Activate".

As of v1.0.8, you can specify the number of hit points by which the object will heal the player via the NVComestibleHeal parameter, and you can also specify an optional number of psi points to restore via the NVComestiblePsi parameter.

As of v1.1.0, you can also specify a number of toxin or radtion points to heal, via the NVComestibleDeTox and NVComestibleDeRad parameters, respectively. You can also specify that a certain trait will give a bonus to the amount of healing given by the item via the NVComestibleTrait trait, which defaults to 2 ("Pharmo-Friendly"). If the user has the trait, then the multiplier specified by NVComestibleTraitBonus will be applied. This defaults to 1.20, or 120% effectiveness.
An additional bonus of 1.50 (+50% effectiveness) will also be applied if the difficulty level is 0 or 1 (Easy or Normal). This amount can be adjusted via the NVComestibleDifficultyBonus parameter.
Finally, another additional bonus can be applied if the quest variable specified by NVComestibleDifficultyBonus is non-zero. This is another multiplier specified by NVComestibleQVarBonus, and defaults to 1.20 (+20%).


When the mission starts or its object is created (on BeginScript), this script sets the Engine Features->Stack Count property of its object to the value specified by NVCombineType, or to a value equal to the object number if none is specified (effectively giving each object a unique combine type).


Sends a "StackConsume" message to its object when its stack count decreased.


Listens for "Contained" messages and sends a more detailed message with the contain event.

Not available for System Shock 2.

The object with this script will be permanently selected for as long as the player is carrying it.
It will be selected when the player picks it up, and will be immediately re-selected if the player tries to put it away or select another object of the same type.
When the player tries to deselect the object, the string specified by the NVCurseMessage parameter will be read from the string file NVCursedObj.str - if none is specified, the Default string is used. (If the file is not found, no message is displayed.)
Unless you want to drive the player mad, do not use more than one object of the same type (weapon, item) with this script. The objects will constantly be cycled every 100ms.


When applied to a door, this script causes that door to open at great speed when the mission initially starts (or when its object is created ingame). Use it to make doors start open.


This script monitors objects in the mission for the DeathStage property, and automatically removes it if it deems it to be inappropriate (the only known legitimate use for the DeathStage property is on objects with zero hit points, so it is left alone in that case). This should hopefully eliminate the DeathStage 12 bug.
This script can be applied to any object single in the mission. The player or starting point might be good choices. Having the script on multiple objects in the same mission is untested.

System Shock 2 only.

If the player object has this script, then the video specified by the NVEndVideo parameter will be played when he dies. The filename specified must include the file extension (typically, .avi) and the file should be located in the cutscenes folder.
Note that this script will not work unless the player object has the PlayerScript script with a higher priority (in other words, it must be below PlayerScript in the script list, or on an ancestor of the object with PlayerScript).

Not available for System Shock 2.

The object with this script causes the player to emit objects while he has it selected in his inventory.
Upon being selected in the player's inventory (InvSelect), the script copies the Tweq->Emit and Tweq->EmitterState properties (CfgTweqEmit, StStweqEmit) from the object to the player.
The AnimS is then set to On to activate the emitter.

When the object is deselected (InvDeselect), then AnimS is set to Off to deactivate the emitter.

The emitter is also stopped when the item is automatically hidden after being selected for too long (InvDeFocus), and restarted when the object is refocused (InvFocus). You can set the parameter NVIgnoreDeFocus=1 if you want the emitter to continue while the object is hidden.

You can specify which of the five Tweq property sets should be used via the NVTweqNum parameter. (For example, use NVTweqNum=3 to use Tweq->Emit3 and Tweq->Emitter3State.)
This script will only work if the item it is applied to has the FocusScript flag in it's Engine Features->Frob Info: Inv Action.


When this object is created, or at the beginning of the simulation (Sim and Create messages), all other objects that inherit from its direct archetype are destroyed, to ensure that there is only ever ONE of these objects.

System Shock 2 only.

When the creature with this script dies, items will be added to its inventory with a 100% certainty. The items are specified via the NVGuaranteedLoot# parameters, where # is a number between 0 and 99.

System Shock 2 only.

A variant of NVMedPatchScript set up to default to the same values as used by the standard HealingGland script. (15 hp, 1hp per 1500ms)
See NVMedPatchScript for more details.


When placed upon the archetype of a projectile or other movavble object, this script removes the F->Firer property shortly after being thrown or fired. In other words, the object will be able to collide with the player after he throws it. For example, if the player shoots an arrow with this script straight up into the air, it will injure him when it comes down on his head.

NVHolyH2OHack (NVInvTransform)

A companian script for the standard HolyH2O; if there are no water arrows in the player's inventory when it is frobbed, it will activate an NVInvTransform.
To use it, find the HolyH2O (-2435) archetype and add it to the Script 1 field of S->Scripts, leaving HolyH2o as Script 0.
Now, add Engine Features->FrobInfo and remove the 'Use Ammo' flag from Inv Action. If you fail to do this, and you use the NVInvTransformStack parameter of NVInvTransform, then you will always lose one item with each transformation.

NVInvAssembly (NVTrap, NVTrigger)

When the object with this script is frobbed in the player's inventory, it will first take one item off its stack (unless NVSpendAssembler is set to 0), and one item from the stack of the object specified in NVAssemblyPart, and replace them with the object specified by NVAssembledItem. It also plays a schema with the tags "Event Acquire" for Thief 2 or "Event Create" for System Shock 2 (from NVScript v1.0.5 and upwards). If either of the components do not exist, a message is displayed and nothing else happens. The message is read from the string file NVInvAssembly.str - the specific string to read is defined by the NVAssemblyError parameter.
For example:

Design Note:
NVAssemblyPart="Broadhead"; NVAssembledItem="Water"; NVAssemblyError="shafts"
default: "Not enough components."
shafts: "Not enough shafts."
gear: "You don't have enough gears to repair that."

Wih this setup, the object would combine itself and one broadhead into a water arrow, displaying the error 'shafts' ("Not enough shafts") if no broadheads are available. Obviously enough, no error message is displayed if the object itself is not available - after all, what would the player be frobbing?

As of NVScript v1.0.8, this script can be used as an NVTrap (allowing its trigger message to be specified). To do this, set the NVAssemblyType parameter, as follows:
0 - Normal behaviour (listens for FrobInvEnd)
1 - NVTrap behaviour (listens for configuarable message, FrobInvEnd is ignored)
2 - Double behaviour (listens for both)

Also as of NVScript v1.0.8, the script will send an Assembled (configurable via the NVTrigger system) message to the stack of the newly assembled object type in the player's inventory (again, the destination is configurable via the NVTrigger system).


When the object with this script is used on an object that inherits from the object specified by the NVAssemblyPart parameter, it will reduce the stack count of both objects by 1, and replace them by the object specified by NVAssembledItem. It also plays a schema with the tags "Event Acquire" (or "Event Create" in System Shock 2). Alternatively, you can specify a sound to play by adding the NVAssembledSchema to the object that is the result of assembly.
Although this script is primarily designed for System Shock 2's inventory system, it can also be used in Thief via Inv to World Tool Frobs - in which case the world object is slain when its stack count reaches zero (rather than simply being destroyed/deleted).
You can specify multiple part/item combinations by simply appending a number to end of the appropriate parameter. For example, using the object with this script on an object that inherits from NVAssemblyPart1 will replace the objects with the one specified by NVAssembledItem1; using it on one that inherits from NVAssemblyPart2 will use NVAssembledItem2, and so on. Paremters numbers must be consecutive, for example, NVAssemblyPart8 will be ignored if there is no NVAssemblyPart7, etc.
You can use the appropriate NVAssemblyPart#Stack and NVAssembly#Stack parameters to specify how many of the target and script object, respectively, are needed and consumed in the assembly. The number of objects returned by the assembly can be specified via NVAssembledItem#Count. In each of these cases, the # is either the number of the assembly in question, or omitted.


A base for other scripts, but it can be used on its own as well - in which case it responds to FrobInvEnd.
Transforms itself in the player's inventory into another object.
When triggered, it will transform itself into a new item of the type specified by the the NVInvTransform parameter.
The default is to convert the entire stack in one go; you can use the NVInvTransformStack parameter to only transform a certain number of the objects.

Not available for System Shock 2.

If placed upon the Player object (starting point, Avatar archetype, etc.), this script will restore the player's inventory selections when a saved game is resumed.


Plays a sound with the schemas Event Activate when frobbed in inventory.


Not available for System Shock 2.

This script handles the combination of all keys into one single keyring object.
Simply replace the StdKey script on your keys with this one, and they will merge into a single, undroppable keyring object. The keyring's Stack Count will indicate the number of keys the ring contains.
You can create multiple keyring sets. Use the NVKeyringId parameter to specify the keyring ID that a specific key should be added to. The default ID is 192.
Note: Do not use any locks with a RegionMask of 0 and a LockID of any used keyring ID (by default, 192) in your mission, as they will be openable by ANY key.
You can also specify the model name of the keyring via the NVKeyringModel parameter; the default is MKeyring. You can also specify keyring's inventory label via the NVKeyringName parameter; the defaults is name_keys.

In truth, this script changes the Engine Features->KeyDst property of any locked objects that would be opened by the key's Engine Features->KeySrc so that it can be opened by a single 'keyring' object (which is created if it doesn't exist). It then increases the keyring's stack count and destroys the key.
The KeySrc of this keyring is to MasterBit: False; RegionMask: 0; LockID: [As specified in NVKeyringId; default: 192].

System Shock 2 only.

A special level-change script that activates multiplayer mode during the level transition. This can be used to make fan missions multiplayer without using the default Earth / Station game startup. The script also activates the players' HUDs during the level change. As with any other level change marker, the destination level is specified via the Multilevel->Dest Level and Multilevel->DestLoc properties.
This script need only be used once, at the initial transition between the single-player (e.g. character creation) part of the game and the multiplayer section (e.g. the rest of the game). The result of using this script once multiplayer has already been initialised is unknown.

System Shock 2 only.

A variant of NVMedPatchScript set up to default to the same values as used by the standard MedKitScript script. (200 hp, 5hp per 1500ms)
See NVMedPatchScript for more details.

System Shock 2 only.

A improved and customisable medical hypo script. Its effect can be adjusted with the following parameters:

Param name Default Description
NVMedPatchScriptHealTotal ( = 10 ) Total amount healed
NVMedPatchScriptHealTotal ( = 0 ) Total amount of psi points restored
NVMedPatchScriptTrait ( = 2 / 'Pharmo Friendly') Trait that gives modifier
NVMedPatchScriptTraitBonus ( = 1.20 ) Multiplier for trait (e.g. Pharmo Friendly)
NVMedPatchScriptEasyBonus ( = 1.50 ) Multiplier for 'Easy' difficulty
NVMedPatchScriptHealInc ( = 2 ) HP healed per 1500ms
NVMedPatchScriptPsiInc ( = 2 ) Psi points restored per 1500ms

For any of the derivitave scripts, replace 'NVMedPatchScript' in each parameter name with the name of that script.


When this object is created, or at the beginning of the simulation (Sim and Create messages), the object with this script is given the name specified by the NVSymName parameter, unless an object with that name already exists.
If the name is already taken, nothing will happen unless you use the NVSymNameIncrement=1 parameter; then a number will be appended to the end of the chosen name until an unused name is found, up to 99 attempts. (For example, if you created multiple objects all set to be automatically given the name "NamedObject", then the first would be named "NamedObject", the second would become "NamedObject1", the next "NamedObject2", and so on, up to "NamedObject99".)

Not available for System Shock 2.

This script allows the creation of new weapons.
It adds the metaproperty specified by NVWeaponMeta to the player arm object which is created when the weapon is equipped.
It also send the 'InitArm' message to the player arm, after the metaprop has been added.
One use for this script is to add a metaproperty with the Motions->Actor Tag List property, allowing you to have a weapon with its own motion set. You could also make the arm transparent or give it a script set up to trigger when it receives the InitArm message.

If you want to use this script on a gun in SS2 (as of NVScript v1.1.0), you should use NVGun instead - it has all the functionality of this script, plus it sendss gun-related messages to the object when its state changes (ammo is used, condition degrades, weapon setting is changed).


This script is a workaround for a problem with projectiles that have particle trails: if the projectile object is slain, its particle is destroyed instantly. As such, the particle effect will not finish its path to the point of impact, but instantly disappear.
When a projectile with this script hits something, its attached particles are turned off and its object is hidden, to be destroyed ten seconds later. The script also creates and then immediately slays a copy of the projectile, so any corpses or particle effects associated with its impact will be created properly.
The object with this script must have its Physics->Misc->Collision Type set to Bounce for this script to function.


For use on projectiles. The object with this script will ignore collisions with any object that inherits from the archetype named in NVPickyProjectileIgnore (in other words, it will fly straight through it.) The object will be slain if it collides with anything else. Note that the object must not have its Physics->Misc-> Collision Type set to Slay On Impact for this script to work.

System Shock 2 only.

This script fixes various bugs and issues in SS2. These include:

This script must be added to the player under the standard PlayerScript script, so that it is loaded afterwards.

System Shock 2 only.

A variant of NVMedPatchScript set up to default to the same values as used by the standard psi hypo, except with a delayed psi point increase rather than adding the full bonus instantaneously. (20 pp, 2pp per 1500ms)
See NVMedPatchScript for more details.

System Shock 2 only.

When asked to tidy your room, you stare back blankly and think "But you CAN'T put things back in containers"
- d0om (1000 clues that you have been Dromeding too much, No. 92.)

This script allows its item to be placed inside containers.
The object must have the Tool Action of it's Engine Features->FrobInfo set to Script for this to work.
Note that only objects that descend from the 'Usable Containers (-118)' archetype are treated as 'containers'.
Objects with unusual inventory dimensions will confuse the script (it will probably just tell the player they don't fit in the container). Also, the objects may sometimes appear in impossible arrangements inside the container when it's near its capacity.
The contents of the container should be limited to 4x4; before I placed this limit, extra contents would vanish completely from the world. It might still be possible to 'overstuff' the containers somehow - by manually adding your own Contains links, for example - so be careful.


This script is used to make an object's name (or label) change based on the value of a qvar. The qvar is specified via the NVQVarNameQVar parameter.
The new name is assembled from three parts: two text strings read from ObjNames.str with the quest variable placed in the middle. The first part is specified via the NVQVarNamePart1 parameter, and the second part is specified by the NVQVarNamePart2 parameter and the NVQVarNamePart2Singular parameter. The singular value is only used if the value of the qvar is 1. This should allow you to make the name grammatically correct. The normal (plural) name will be used if this parameter is not specified.
(Somewhat illogical) example: Using the following design note will result in the item being named "Sword#Blackjack", where the # is the number of points of damage the player has dealt. If the player has dealt exactly one point of damage, the label will be "Sword1Apple" instead:

Design Note:
NVQVarNameQVar="DrSDmgDealt"; NVQVarNamePart1="Name_Swords"; NVQVarNamePart2="Name_Blackjack"; NVQVarNamePart2Singular="Name_Apple"

System Shock 2 only.

Fixed Recycler script for SS2. This fixes the bug that would allow you to recycle an implant that was currently being worn, permanently applying its effect.


This script allows its object to be rotated by the player holding down the frob button on it. Its TweqRotate is activated when it receives FrobWorldBegin, and deactivated when it receives FrobWorldEnd or WorldDeSelect.
The script will send the StartRotate message to itself when it starts to rotate, and the StopRotate message one second after it has finished rotating.
The object needs to have the Script and FocusScript flags set in the World Action of its Engine Features->Frob Info property. If you forget the latter, then the object will not stop rotating if you look away from it while it is moving.

NVSimpleDoor (NVTrap)

This is a very simple door script. The door will open on TurnOn and close on TurnOff, and can be toggled open/closed by frobbing it. This script has none of the other functionality of the StdDoor script and, as such, it will open the door even if it is locked.


This script allows you to easily create safe doors such as the one seen in my C5 entry "The Haunting". Its use is fairly straightforward, but it assumes that the object it is applied to is a safe door.
When frobbed, the safe door's first joint begins to rotate, and stops when the frob button is released. The joint will snap to the nearest 36 degrees (in other words, there are only ten positions where the joint can stop). To open the safe, it must stop once on each digit in the safe's code, in the correct order, with no mistakes in between.
The combination is read from the mission-scope quest variable NVSafeDoor (you can specify a different variable via the NVSafeQVar parameter.)
If no combination is specified, then the safe will invent a random four-digit code when the mission starts and place that into the qvar.
If the safe is frobbed by an AI, it will automatically advance to the next correct digit in the code, and then add an AIWatchObj link from the frobbing AI to the safe's object, unless the safe is opening, in which case the AIWatchObj link is created to the object specified by the NVSafeOpenAction parameter (optional).
The AI->Utility->Watch: Watch link defaults property of the safe should contain a step to frob the object. See below for more specific instructions on how to set up the safe.
To have an AI open the safe, however, you should not order that AI to frob the object, but simply goto its location and then add an AIWatchObj link to it.

To set up the safe, first, create a SpecialDoors (-6181)
Set its properties as follows:

Shape->Model Name: NVSafeDoor
Schema->Class Tags: BoxType Safe
COG Offset: 0.00 -1.00 0.00
Offset: 0.075 0.00 0.00
Size: 0.25 2.00 2.00

Engine Features->FrobInfo: Script, FocusScript
Engine Features->Locked: True
Render->Transparency (alpha): 1.00
Set up however you wish. The default values are okay.

Halt: Stop Tweq
AnimC: NoLimit, Sim
MiscC: [None]
CurveC: [None]
Primary Joint: 1
Joint1AnimC: NoLimit, Sim
Joint1CurveC: [None]
Rate-Low-High: 12 -360 360

S->Scripts: (Please note that the order of these is important.)
Script 0: StdDoor
Script 1: NVSafeDoor
Don't Inherit: True

AI->Utility->Watch: Watch link defaults
Watch Kind: Self Entry
Priority: Normal
Trigger: Radius 8
Height: 8
Required Awareness: 0
Line Requirement: None
Minimum Alertness: 0
Maximum Alertness: 1
Exit: Link kill option: After Trigger
Kill like links: False
No test once triggered: True
Response Step 1: Play Sound/Motion
Argument 1:
Argument 2:
Argument 3: Ghost 0, Safe 0
Response Step 2: Frob Object
Argument 1: [object name/number of the safe door]
Argument 2:
Argument 3:
Response Step 3: Wait
Argument 1: 10000
Argument 2: Ghost 0, Safe 1
Argument 3:

In order for the safe to work properly, you need to have a custom motion database with the appropriate motions for the AIs, and you need to have the custom schema 'safe_loop' defined. All the files needed for the safe (including the motions, object, sounds, some example schemas and motion schemas) can be found in the 'NVSafeDoor' archive in the 3D Models section of The Nameless Tower.


An object with this script has its rotations set to 0.00° on BeginScript.

Not available for System Shock 2.

When the object with this script is frobbed in the world, it will remove the sword from the player's inventory and place it at its object's location, then add itself to the player's inventory, effectively swapping itself with the player's sword.
In order to use this script, the sword must have World Action of its Engine Features->FrobInfo set to Script.
Note that the player will be able to pick up the sword he was previously carrying, so you need to either give it this script or set it's World Action to None to stop the player from taking it back up.
As of NVScript v1.1.0, you can use the NVSwapSwordTarget parameter to specify a weapon other than "Sword" to swap out.


Upon receiving a TweqComplete message, this script sends its object a more detailed tweq message, with the following format: "Tweq[Type]Complete[Direction]".
For example: TweqScaleCompleteForward, TweqEmitterCompleteForward, TweqAllCompleteReverse, or TweqModelsCompleteReverse. This is primarily for use with the various NVTrap scripts.


This script allows a door to have a different opening speed to its closing speed.
Speeds are specified via the NVDoorOpeningSpeed and NVDoorClosingSpeed parameters.


An object with this script will be unfrobbable in the player's inventory unless a certain quest variable, defined by NVUnusableUnlessQVar, is set (non-zero).
This script is primarily designed for making the player start without a bow; simply add this script to all arrows and he will not be able to shoot them until you set a quest variable indicating that the bow has been picked up.
Note that this script takes over the Engine Features->FrobInfo property of any objects that have it, so any settings applied to the object itself (rather than to its archetype) will be lost.
As of the complete rewrite of this script in v1.0.8, the arrows will become usable if they are currently selected when the quest variable is changed.


When the object with this script is Slain, it will display a message based on who killed it. The message will take the format of "X was killed by Y", where the names of each party are taken from the NVWhoKilledMeName parameter on that object. The message " was killed by " can be specified via the NVWhoKilledMeMsg parameter, and its colour can bew chosen with the NVWhoKilledMeColour parameter.

- Debug Scripts-

These scripts are designed soley for use by mission desginers during the design and beta-testing proccess.
They are not included in the main script module, but instead reside in NVDebug.osm - which you will need to temporarily load to use these in your mission You should make sure to remove the script module from your mission before release.


If the quest variable DebugDifficulty is set, then this script sets the difficulty to its value when the game starts, and then proccesses the difficulty.
This script should only be used for playtesting purposes, and should be removed before the final mission is packaged.
It doesn't matter which object you place this script on (you probably shouldn't use it on more than one object...)
The player's hitpoints and vulnerabilities are not affected by this script, but that hardly matters.

- Version History -










