File name: When Still…

Author: Eternauta (E.R.)

Contact info:

Date of release: 12.30.2010

Version: 1.1


The Dark Ages.

By now the power of Christianity is stable and widespread. It has settled into the Hammerite Abbeys, into the Pagan Sanctuaries and into every house. This plague of “faith” has carried out its deadly patrol, causing widespread panic and confusion in all the cities of the land. The first to feel its effects were the Pagans, tortured and killed for their heresies. The Hammerites, being both more numerous and more organised, resisted fiercely but even they were forced to bend their knee to the Church. There were a stubborn few who refused to yield and continued to fight but their numbers grew fewer as one by one they disappeared without trace.

Many Abbeys have chosen to co-operate with the Vatican, handing Pagans and heretics over to the emissaries of the Clergy, ensuring their survival by the payment of an “Independence Tax”. This enables their continued existence and gives them some small freedom to practice their faith, while at the same time increasing the power and strength of Christianity.

Meanwhile, from his manor in the depths of the forest to the west of South Quarter, a wealthy, unknown noble has begun to come to the attention of the outside world. His name is Lord Robert Lelder.

While trying to single out some allies from among the rich and politically powerful to help protect them against the increasing power of the Church, the Order of the Hammer sent a pair of emissaries to the manor of Lord Lelder in an attempt to win him to their cause. Julius and Edward, the two who were chosen for the mission, have been ordered to keep in regular contact with the Order, informing it of the state of negotiations, but after their first missive there has been nothing but silence. In his letter, Julius mentioned a diary which may be important but the Hammerite gives no further mention of it.

The Hammers have asked your help in finding the diary and in discovering the fate of the two emissaries…


I usually don't do charity work but I think that this time the Hammers really do need my help.

I think my tasks will not end simply with the inspection of Lelder's mansion. I don't know why but I have the

uncomfortable feeling that this will be a long and difficult night.


* Play Information *

Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age

Level Names: Lord Robert Lelder, The Way, The Ritual, The Mystery

File names: miss20.mis, miss21.mis, miss22.mis, miss23.mis

Difficulty Settings: Yes: "Angel" (Normal), "Archangel" (Hard), "Devil" (Expert)

Equipment store: No

Map/Automap: Yes / No

New graphics: Yes

New sounds: Yes

New models: Yes

EAX Support: Yes

Multi language support: English, German and Italian

Briefing: No


* Construction *

Base: From scratch

Map Size: Medium/Large

Build Time: many suns and many moons


* Additional Info *

Attention: - You can turn off every light (except for windows) by interacting with them, finding the right switch or using water arrows.

* Changes in version 1.1 *

* Textures Credits *

David Gurrea Hernandez






Alun Bestor (

* Additional Textures Credits *



Whell of Time



Unreal “Return to Napali”

(C)1998-2001 Remedy Entertainment Ltd (Max Payne)

* Artists of the objects *

Alun Bestor – Dark Arrow – Jason Otto – PinkDot – R soul – Sluggs – Team Calendra – Watcher

Team CoSaS – Eshaktaar – Nameless Voice - Reatsel

Schwaa – Targa – Wille – Christine – Ewald – Nielsen74 – Redface – Sensut – TdBonko – Von Eins Yandros – Shadowspawn Thief Object Enhancement Package – Greenhorn - LarryG

* Music *

Half – Life 2

Vampire the Masquerade – Redemption

Vampire The Masquerade - BloodLines

J. S: Bach (concert for two harps)

A. Vivaldi (concert for two violins)

The fabulous world of Amélie

Thief III (Thanks to Eric Brosius)

* Sounds effects *

Half-Life 2

Ac-Dc (bells)

* Thanks To *




Lady Rowena



Peter Smith



Thanks to all the wonderful people at the TTLG Forums.

* Special thanks *

A big thanks to:

* Copyright Information *

This level was made by Eternauta (E. R.)

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

* To Silvana and my grandfather Marcello *


- German -

Geschichte: Dunkle Zeitalter

Das Christentum hat sich etabliert und breitet sich aus. Es dringt in die Kloster der Hammeriten, die Heiligtümer der Heiden und viele Häuser. Es ist eine "Glaubensseuche", die Unruhe und Verwirrung allenortens auslöst. Zuerst traf es die Heiden, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt wurden. Die zahlreicheren und besser gerüsteten Hammeriten konnten sich anfangs behaupten, wurden dann aber auch nach und nach in die Knie gezwungen. Nur wenige unbeugsame hielten durch, aber ihre Zahl nahm ab, da einer nach dem anderen spurlos verschwand.

Viele Kloster wählten die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vatikan, lieferten Heiden und Ketzer an die Schergen des Klerus aus und hofften sich durch die Zahlung einer “Unabhängigkeitssteuer” retten zu können. Das schaffte ihnen einige Freiräume, während damit aber das Christentum weiter an Stärke gewann.

Derweil rückt ein bisher unbekannter, wohlhabender Edelmann namens Lord Robert Lelder ins Rampenlicht.

Auf der Suche nach einflußreichen Verbündeten unter der begüterten und machthabenden Schicht sandte der Orden des Hammers auch Gesandte ins Lord Lelders Haus, um ihn für ihre Sache einzuspannen. Julius und Edward, jene zwei für das Vorhaben auserwählten Brüder, wurden angewiesen, in ständigem Kontakt zum Kloster zu bleiben und über ihre Aktivitäten zu informieren, doch bald riß die Verbindung ab. Zunächst wies Julius in einem Brief auf ein Tagebuch hin, das der Sache förderlich sein könnte, doch dann erwähnte er das nicht mehr.

Die Hammeriten baten nun Dich, dieses Tagebuch aufzuspüren und das Verschwinden der Brüder aufzuklären.


Zwar bin ich nicht gerade als Wohltäter bekannt, doch ich schätze, die Hammeriten könnten meine Hilfe in diesen Zeiten mal wieder gut brauchen. Mit Recherchen in Lelders Herrenhaus wird die Sache wohl nicht getan sein. Ich kann mir nicht helfen, doch ich befürchte, das wird eine lange und schwierige Nacht werden ...


Achtung: - Jedes Licht (außer Fenster) kann gesteuert werden, wenn man den Schalter findet oder Wasserpfeile nutzt.


- Italian -


I Secoli Oscuri.

Il potere del Cristianesimo è oramai solido ed esteso, esso si stabilisce nelle abbazie Hammerite, nei santuari Pagani, in ogni casa, in ogni dove.

I primi a risentirne sono i Pagani, considerati eretici e per questo torturati e uccisi. Gli Hammeriti, più forti in numero ed organizzazione, oppongono una più strenua resistenza, tuttavia la maggioranza di essi viene comunque convertita, gran parte degli altri scompare senza lasciare traccia.

In alcuni casi molte abbazie scelgono di collaborare con il Vaticano, consegnando agli emissari del Clero, Pagani ed eretici, assicurandosi inoltre la sopravvivenza per mezzo del pagamento di “tasse di indipendenza”. Gli Hammeriti possono così continuare a esercitare il loro Credo alimentando, però, il potere del Cristianesimo.

Nel frattempo, dalla sua magione nel fitto della foresta ad ovest di South Quarter, un ricco nobile del quale non si conosce che il nome, inizia a far parlare di sé: questi è Lord Robert Lelder.

Nel tentativo di trovare negli uomini ricchi e politicamente potenti dei valorosi alleati che proteggano gli Hammeriti dal potere dilagante della Chiesa, l'Ordine del Martello invia due messi alla dimora di Lord Lelder, al fine di ottenere la sua alleanza.

Jiulius e Edward, i due Hammeriti scelti per la missione, sono incaricati di comunicare periodicamente per via epistolare lo stato delle trattative ma, dopo le prime missive, da parte loro non giunge che silenzio. Nell’ultima lettera inviata da Jiulius viene menzionato un diario, ma non vengono fornite dall’Hammerita ulteriori informazioni al riguardo.

Gli Hammeriti chiedono il tuo aiuto per recuperare il diario e scoprire quale sia stato il destino dei due emissari…


Solitamente non faccio opere di beneficenza ma credo che questa volta gli Hammeriti abbiano davvero bisogno del mio aiuto.

Credo che il mio compito non finirà con l'ispezione della magione di questo Lelder. Non so il perchè ma ho la spiacevole sensazione che questa sarà una notte lunga e difficile.


Attenzione: - Potrete spegnere qualsiasi fonte di luce (tranne in quelle delle finestre), interagendo con essa, trovando l’interruttore giusto o con una freccia d’acqua.
