Contact info
Date of release 11/1/2008
Version 2.0
If you have the Thief Enhancement Pack installed a crash may occur, due to the massive use of custom
resources, when loading Night Three.
The crash can be avoided by saving in the debrief screen of the previous mission, quitting the game, then
restarting it and loading the save.
Some of the content is of an adult nature so these missions may not be suitable for children.
Changes in version 2:
I hope to have fixed Basso’s freezing bug when he is released. If the bug still shows up remember to not
leave corpses in his sight and to save in another slot BEFORE releasing him.
Added some objects from Nameless Voice’s Thief Enhancement Pack recently released.
Corrected a pair of errors in the readables and made some minor adjusting
This mini campaign, which is composed of a short prologue and three missions, was initially meant to be
only one FM. Since it got a bit out of hand, I had to divide it into three parts: Night One, Night Two and
Night Three.
You should, however, still think of it as if it were one. The first two levels take place in the same little town
that you will have to visit on two consecutive nights. Most of the significant places that you will visit on
Night One are closed to you on Night Two and you will have access to different buildings.
On Night One you will have only one lockpick, so don't go crazy searching for the other one. Some of the
locks can only be picked half-way open on Night One. You will be able to finish opening them on Night
If a door doesn't highlight and doesn't make any sound when hit, it means that it will never open, at least
during the current level.
There are a few interactive AI's, which means that they highlight and that you have to click (or use the "use"
key) on them. You can do this whether they are alerted or not.
Be warned though, that you will not be able to pick them up if you kill or blackjack them.
A few months have passed since Garrett helped Basso and Jenivere escape together. They are now happily
married and have settled down in a small town close to the city: East Fording, where Basso decided to open
a locksmithing shop.
Shortly thereafter, Basso invited Garrett to spend a few days at his home. Garrett accepted the invitation
and received a reply the next day.
Jenivere and I are thrilled that you will be spending time with us. As mentioned in the invitation, we will be
waiting for you at the Carnival which is scheduled to begin in 20 days.
I can't wait to see you again. I miss the good old days. I also have a suggestion: leave your "work tools" at
home...let's have some fun instead!
Your affectionate friends,
Jenivere and Basso
P.S. We have had two or three cases of plague in town recently, therefore the city council has decided to
impose a curfew. This will most likely be settled within a few days, but just in case it isn't, I have enclosed a
map of my house. There is a hidden passageway just outside the city walls that was once used by smugglers.
The exit is in my storage hut, and from there you will be able to enter the city without being seen."
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names: Prologue, Night One, Night Two, Night Three
File names: miss21.mis, miss22.mis, miss23.mis, miss24.mis.
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map/Automap: Yes/No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
New models: Yes
EAX Support: No
Multi language support: English, Italian
Briefing: Yes
Base: From scratch
Map Size: Medium/Large
Build Time: An embarrassing amount of time which I prefer not to mention.
Early alphatesting: Doaal
Early betatesters for Night One and Night Two: Doaal, Nightwalker, Peter Smith and The Night Terror
Betatesters: ffox, nightshifter, Nightwalker, Peter Smith, Preno, Silent_Warrior, theBlackman, The
Night Terror.
Thanks to Doaal, theBlackman, The Night Terror, Nightwalker and Bernie, who corrected my books
and made sure they made sense. ;)
Thanks to theBlackman for the name of East Fording and other suggestions.
Thanks to all the wonderful people of The Editor Guild Forums; without their help this mission
would never have seen the light of the day.
Special thanks to: Avalon, fidcal, Hit Deity, John9818a, mortal monkey, nightshifter, Ottoj55,
Nameless Voice, R Soul, Shadowspawn, sluggs, Sterlino, TF, Vigil, yandros for their precious
A lot of thanks to Doaal for his continuous helping, encouragement, patience and friendship.
SCRIPTS by Telliamed
David Gurrea Hernandez, Gob, Targa, PhotoRealistic, Purah, Timothy Andrew Wilson (_unDuLe),
Mayang's Free Textures, Vigil (
Additional textures from the games: Deus Ex, Max Payne, MOHAA, Painkiller, RTCW, Rune, Splinter
Cell, The Wheel of Time, Undying, Unreal, Unreal Tournament.
I also "borrowed" some clothes texture details from the FM's "Curiosity" and "Calendra’s Legacy".
model for custom secret doors and furniture, open book model.
Dark Arrow:
chains, barchair(texture modified).
Surgery knives.
Wall Lamp2X
donuts, organ, custom flames, hanging lamp, facelite, Karras' poster, new switches, improved lost city light, lc
canopic jar.
grates (texture modified), test tubes, Gjar, Printing Press
bottles, mortar.
Big wine cask.
Naks & tdbonko:
Phanter statue, Sarah.
Nameless Voice:
Lanterns, tables, piano, spider chest, Aztec Priestess, Gas Lamp, bookcases, round table, cheese, sausages,
pocket watch, mantel watch, NVTrSphere, magnify, coffin, blacksmith.
Improved original objects: sword, detailed sword, dagger, Constantine sword, weapon display case, barrels,
potions, candles, grey book, ground emergency Light, goblets, gems, potions, bottles, Ramirez furniture,
necklace, sandbag, flashbomb, brazier, banner, bread, fine wine, bucket, necklace, gold plate, pews, mecpews.
BakersPallet, carpenter hammer, teacup, teaplate, bowl, dead tree.
Grouped pipes, milk bottles.
Tables, chandelier, torches, bookcase.
Bird and fountain.
Rob Hicks:
microscope, beer mug
R Soul:
wall spotlight, whip, guards without helmet, wheelbarrow
Improved pipes, turbines, bell, chandelier, roulette table and lights.
coffee pot, coffee mug
anvil, grouped books, crowbar (excuse me for the use I made of it), lit candle, portable candle lantern, oil
lamp, quill-pen set, screen wall(texture modified), square lantern, potbelly stove, trash can.
Improved sewer light and decorative vase.
Porticullis and grates.
d-light,trough(texture modified), stool, park bench, bag, black hat, bucket with water(texture modified),
canoe, worms, crates, cart with hay, big cart
Targa: (
domes used as lamps (I hope he will forgive me for that ;), steak, crystal ball, fat noble, fat maids, fat guard,
new guy, metal footlocker, ratchet, locktarg, bladex, silver dagger, the blade, swordx, nailed scroll, sink
faucet, zchest, metal crate, crystals, crystal seeds, ropecrate, long chain, wine barrel, radiator, potions, bath
The Watcher: ntorch
Vigil (
lights, railings, footlocker, seachest, books, blueshaft
Von Eins:
basket, rocking horse, clock, cuckoo clock, stripped tree.
Metal shelf, food trays
Special thanks to Nameless Voice, Nielsen74, Ottoj55 and R Soul, and who created unique objects
just for me. :-)
Also thanks to Eshaktaar for giving me the permission to use his fabulous recruiting poster.
Nightwalker as Mrs.Dowson.
Random_Taffer as Basso
The Night Terror as Jenivere
Yandros as "Keef"
CUSTOM MOTIONS by Weyoun and Shadowspawn.
Robert Fox - Maya2 free sample from
Cyclotimia - Liturgy
Gor - Sulphuraria free samples from
Corvus Corax - Titenka
Atrium Carceri
Ruins of desolation
Blue Moon
Entrance free samples from
Letum - Broken
Megaptera - Sludgy Heads Found In A Handbag
Christoph Haas - Lux Stellarum
Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs
Seamus Begley - Donncha Lynch's
Steve Roach - Airtribes
Tangerine Dream - Movements Of A Visionary
Other sounds from the games: Blood, Rune, Undying, The Wheel of Time.
Shaman Woman ported from Thief: Deadly Shadows
Additional thanks to:
Avalon for Thief Objective Wizard.
Mad Bull for Str-Converter.
Rob Hicks for DEDX
Shadowspawn for the Motion Database.
Thorin Oakenshield for Thief 2 Objects List.
The Looking Glass for making a fabulous game like Thief.
Copyright Information
This level was made by Lady Rowena (A.M.I)
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include
this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Come installare la Missione:
Se usate la versione 4.3 di Darkloader (cosa che consiglio) non dovete far altro che porre la missione zippata
nella cartella che usate di solito. Quindi avviate Darkloader e selezionate Italiano nel menù.
Sconsiglio di usare la versione 4.2, sembra che possiate scegliere la lingua, ma non è così, vi ritroverete i file
sparpagliati qua e là senza sapere dove andarli a pescare.
Se usate la versione 4.1 o precedenti procedete in questo modo: installate la missione scegliendo "install
only", quindi chiudete Darkloader e andate nella cartella dove avete installato Thief2. Trovate e aprite la
cartella "books", quindi rinominate la cartella "English" come volete e cambiate il nome della cartella
"Italian" con "English".
Per leggere gli obiettivi in italiano: Aprite la cartella "Intrface", dentro vi troverete le cartelle miss21, miss22,
miss23, miss24. Aprite "miss21" e ripetete l'operazione che avete fatto prima, scambiando e rinominando le
cartelle English e Italian.
Ripetete il tutto con le cartelle miss22, miss23 e miss24.
Se avete installato il Thief Enhancement Pack si potrebbe verificare un crash, dovuto all’uso massiccio
di risorse personalizzate, durante il caricamento di Night Three.
Potete evitare che ciò avvenga salvando il gioco durante la schermata di caricamento della missione
precedente ed arrestando il gioco. Riavviare quindi Thief 2 e richiamare la partita salvata.
Per alcune situazioni, contenuti ed immagini potreste considerare queste missioni non adatte ai bambini.
Cambiamenti nella seconda versione
Spero di aver posto rimedio al bug di Basso che si fermava quando veniva liberato. Se il problema si
dovesse ripresentare ricordatevi di fare un salvataggio in un nuovo slot PRIMA di liberare Basso e di
non lasciare cadaveri o gente manganellata alla sua vista. Se Basso si ferma non riprenderà a camminare,
dovrete richiamare il salvataggio precedente.
Aggiunti alcuni oggetti dal Thief Enhancement Pack recentemente rilasciato da Nameless Voice.
Corretti un paio di errori negli scritti e rimediato ad alcuni errori di minore importanza.
Informazioni - suggerimenti
Questa mini campagna, composta da un breve prologo e tre missioni, è stata inizialmente concepita come
un'unica FM, ma siccome mi è sfuggita di mano ho dovuto dividerla in tre: Night One, Night Two e Night
Ciò nonostante dovreste ancora considerarla come cosa unica, specialmente i primi due livelli, che sono
ambientati nella medesima piccola cittadina e che dovrete visitare in due notti consecutive.
La maggior parte degli interni significativi che potrete visitare in Night One, in Night Two saranno chiusi,
ma avrete accesso ad altre case, palezzi e strade.
In Night One avrete un solo grimaldello, perciò non impazzite per cercare l'altro. Se riuscite ad aprire solo
metà di una serratura, ciò significa che potrete aprirla completamente solo in Night Two.
Se una porta non si "illumina" e non emette nessun suono se percossa, significa che non si aprirà, perlomeno
non durante la missione corrente.
Ci sono alcuni personaggi interattivi. Ciò significa che si "illuminano" e che dovrete cliccare (o usare il tasto
"usa") su di loro. Questo potrete farlo sia che siano consapevoli o meno della vostra presenza.
Attenzione però: se doveste tramortirli o ucciderli non potrete prenderne il corpo e trasportarlo altrove per
mini campagna di 3 missioni per Thief 2
Titolo: The Seven Sisters
Autore: Lady Rowena (A.M.I)
Data di rilascio: 11/1/2008
Versione: 2.0
Sono passati pochi mesi da quando Garrett ha aiutato Basso e Jenivere a fuggire.
Ora sono felicemente sposati e sono andati a vivere in una piccola cittadina vicina alla City, East Fording.
Qui Basso ha aperto un piccolo negozio di ferramenta.
Poco tempo dopo Basso ha invitato Garrett a trascorrere qualche giorno a casa sua; Garrett accetta ed il
giorno dopo riceve un messaggio di conferma:
Jenivere ed io siamo felici che tu abbia accettato il nostro invito. Come d'accordo ti aspettiamo tra una
ventina di giorni, in occasione del Carnevale.
Non vedo l'ora di rivederti e di passare qulche giorno con te come ai vecchi tempi. Ho solo una
raccomandazione da farti: per una volta lascia a casa i "ferri del mestiere" e pensiamo solo a divertirci.
I tuoi amici affezionati
Jenivere e Basso
P.S. Siccome abbiamo avuto due o tre casi di rabbia in città, al momento è in vigore il coprifuoco. Molto
probabilmente la cosa si risolverà in un paio di giorni, ma in ogni caso ti allego questa mappa, la mia casa si
trova a ridosso delle mura della città, c'è un passaggio nascosto, che un tempo veniva usato dai
contrabbandieri, che sbuca nel capanno degli attrezzi, di là potrai entrare senza essere visto."
Per i crediti vi rimando alla versione inglese.