Yandros' Texture Pack HTML Preview

Version 1.0 July 26, 2004

These textures were gathered from hundreds of different sources, and I apologize to all the original creators of them for not being able to list all the sources here (partially because it's too much work, and partially because I didn't record the sources of many of them). Some were already tileable, and others needed a bit of work. I hope you enjoy and can make use of them in your Thief fan missions.

Just click a family name in the left frame to see texture previews here.

YAlien - Futuristic, alien-like textures
YBooks - Books and bookcase textures (wish I had more of these)
YCarpet - Carpet (mostly simple, modern-style carpet - for fancy rugs see YRugs family)
YCarved - Carved stone textures
YCobble - Cobblestone textures
YDoors - Door textures (some may be converted to objects later as a supplement to my YanDoors pack)
YMarble - Marble floors
YMetals(2) - Different metal textures (including a few metal tiles)
YMisc - Misc textures I didn't want to categorize
YMiscFlr - Misc floor textures that didn't fit in any other families
YNature - Nature textures, such as leaves, grass and mud (wish I had more)
YRoof - Shingles, metal roofing, etc.
YRugs - Lots of new rugs, most come in both square and rectangular
YStainG - Many beautiful stained glass window textures (most don't tile)
YTile - Tile floors
YWalls(2) - Different wall textures, mostly irregular stone walls
YWin - Windows (not stained glass) - several include both the base texture and a version with window
YWood - Assorted wood textures
YWoodFlr - Beautiful wood floor tiles

I hope to release supplements in the future with some more families. Noticeably absent from this collection are brick and cloth families, and I'd also like to find more bookcases, grass/nature, and stone textures.

Please let me know of any problems, such as missized or mispaletted textures. I think I caught everything, but probably not.
