These textutes/paintings/etc... are stuff I acquired with the intent of using them in a Thief 2 Fan Mission, which I never got around to building. Most of them are probably NOT the correct image size, nor are they in the Thief palette. ie: You need to know how to work w/graphics to use these in a FM. I am providing these free to all who would make use of them in Theif FM's, asking only that you mention me (Targa) in your texture credits somewhere (After all, I did spend countless hours collecting these). Some are better than others, and some may not be suitable at all...I dunno. A note on paintings: For those of you who may not know, there are only so many different picture frame sizes in Thief. They are ratios (ie: 3 x 5, etc). So, when preparing a painting to be used in an FM, you first need to change it to the Thief palette, then decide which size picture frame comes closest to the original picture size. You will probably need to crop the pictures (ie: a 350x520 picture could be cropped to 300x500 to use the 3x5 frame). Another thing to do is "squishing" pictures. Thief will only accept specific size (128x256, 256x128, and 256x256) pictures. So after you have paletted and cropped, you need to redimension your picture to one of the above sizes, which makes it appear "squished", but Thief will "stretch" it to fit the chosen picture frame. Most of you FM builders probably already know all this, but just thought I'd include what I could remember of the process. Additionally, if you downloaded the persian rug collection, I believe many, if not all of these will need to be cropped a tad. Some of the textures, such as grilles and/or fences may need transparent green added...that's about all I can recall. Enjoy! -Targa