Critical system requirements:
Windows XP (FM may not work properly under Windows 98 or Vista).
Cool codec for video (unzip into any empty folder and run Infstall.exe).
Author: Zontik
Contact info:
Date of release: 2008
Game: Thief II
Build Time: 568 hours, or about 2 years from idea to release.
1. Copy ZIP file to your Thief II FM folder.
2. Install Cool codec (see above).
3. Run DarkLoader.
Difficulty settings:
On Normal you will have a bit less puzzles (but you will not miss something important).
On Normal and Hard you can’t kill bystanders.
On Expert you have more guards and some other troubles, but you are not allowed to kill anybody.
Feel free to choose!
One day I tried to imagine the world without mirrors - the world of Thief. The water has no reflection. You can’t see your face anywhere. You don’t even know how you looks like.
And another day I tried to imagine the appearing of a mirror in this strange world...
It supposed to be a simple small mission with single objective. But when I began to think, I discovered that this world has it’s own laws and rules, the characters don’t agree to obey me and live their own life. All what I could was to follow them discovering the story of the Mirror.
Shortly, it’s the story about how the whole world gets crazy.
But it seems to me we have already known such a story...
This FM would never be created without:
textures by Alun David Bestor (, Brenda Make (, Remedy Entertainment Ltd, R Soul, Sluggs;
objects by Alun David Bestor, Ar-Zimrathon, Christine, Ewald Maria Ikemann, GORT, Greenhorn, Jeff Knez, Nameless Voice, Nielsen74, R Soul, Schwaa, Sluggs, Tdbonko;
creatures by Shadowspawn and Td_bonko;
scripts by Nameless Voice and tnhScript Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom N Harris <> All Rights Reserved;
music by “Apocalyptica”, “Alan Parsons Project” , Beauty-man, Ennio Morricone, Jean Luc Ponty, Michael Giaccino (from “Ratatouille” movie), Jean Sibelius, Yann Tiersen
and from “Full Throttle” and “Wolfenstein 3D” games;
English localisation by Natalya Ageshina, HellFier, Nickie, Lemniscate;
voice actors: Andrey Fedorenko, Diver, Konstantin Perov, Tatyana Dvoretskaya;
beta testers: Clearing, Winter Cat;
and invaluable advice by: Fidcal, Nicked, Nameless Voice, R Soul, S.Siamsky
and many, many others from TTLG and Dark Fate forums.
Special thanks to Yandros for his Motion Tag Demo.
Phrase about shinig light belongs to E. M. Remark.
(c) copyright by Zontik, 2008
Distribution of this FM is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include this FM to any pack without my permission as long as this text file and archive remains intact.
This FM was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studious or Eidos Interactive.
Êðèòè÷åñêèå ñèñòåìíûå òðåáîâàíèÿ:
Windows XP (ìèññèÿ ìîæåò ðàáîòàòü íåêîððåêòíî ïîä Windows 98 èëè Vista).
Cool codec äëÿ âèäåî (ðàñïàêóéòå â ëþáóþ ïóñòóþ ïàïêó è çàïóñòèòå Infstall.exe).
Àâòîð: Zontik
Êîíòàêòíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ:
Äàòà âûïóñêà: 2008
Èãðà: Thief II
Âðåìÿ ñîçäàíèÿ: 568 ÷àñîâ, èëè îêîëî 2 ëåò îò èäåè äî ðåàëèçàöèè.
1. Ñêîïèðóéòå ZIP-ôàéë â âàøó ïàïêó ñ FM äëÿ Thief II.
2. Óñòàíîâèòå Cool codec (ñì. âûøå).
3. Çàïóñòèòå DarkLoader.
Óðîâíè ñëîæíîñòè:
Íà íîðìàëüíîì óðîâíå ñëîæíîñòè ó âàñ áóäåò ÷óòü ìåíüøå ãîëîâîëîìîê (íî íè÷åãî ñóùåñòâåííîãî âû íå ïðîïóñòèòå).
Íà íîðìàëüíîì è ñëîæíîì óðîâíå âû íå ñìîæåòå óáèâàòü áåçîðóæíûõ.
Íà Ýêñïåðòå âû ïîëó÷èòå áîëüøå îõðàííèêîâ (è, âîçìîæíî, äðóãèõ íåïðèÿòíîñòåé), íî óáèâàòü íèêîãî áóäåò íåëüçÿ.
Âû ñâîáîäíû â ñâîåì âûáîðå!
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È â äðóãîé ðàç ÿ ïîïûòàëñÿ ïðåäñòàâèòü, ÷òî áû ñëó÷èëîñü, ïîÿâèñü âäðóã â ýòîì ñòðàííîì ìèðå çåðêàëî...
Ïðåäïîëàãàëîñü, ÷òî ýòî áóäåò ìàëåíüêàÿ è ïðîñòàÿ ìèññèÿ ñ åäèíñòâåííûì çàäàíèåì. Íî êîãäà ÿ íà÷àë ðàçìûøëÿòü, îêàçàëîñü, ÷òî ó ïðèäóìàííîãî ìèðà åñòü ñâîè ïðàâèëà è çàêîíû, ïåðñîíàæè íå õîòåëè ïîâèíîâàòüñÿ àâòîðó è æèëè ñâîåé ñîáñòâåííîé æèçíüþ. È âñå, ÷òî ÿ ìîã ñäåëàòü - ýòî íàáëþäàòü çà íèìè, îòêðûâàÿ äëÿ ñåáÿ èñòîðèþ Çåðêàëà.
Åñëè êðàòêî - òî ýòî èñòîðèÿ òîãî, êàê ìèð ñõîäèò ñ óìà.
Âïðî÷åì, ñäàåòñÿ ìíå, ÷òî â ýòîé èñòîðèè íåò íè÷åãî íîâîãî...
Ýòà ÔÌ íèêîãäà áû íå áûëà ñîçäàíà, åñëè áû íå:
òåêñòóðû Alun David Bestor (, Brenda Make (, Remedy Entertainment Ltd, R Soul, Sluggs;
îáúåêòû Alun David Bestor, Ar-Zimrathon, Christine, Ewald Maria Ikemann, GORT, Greenhorn, Jeff Knez, Nameless Voice, Nielsen74, R Soul, Schwaa, Sluggs, Tdbonko;
ïåðñîíàæè Shadowspawn è Td_bonko;
ñêðèïòû Nameless Voice è tnhScript Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom N Harris <> All Rights Reserved;
ìóçûêà “Apocalyptica”, “Alan Parsons Project” , Beauty-man, Ennio Morricone, Jean Luc Ponty, Michael Giaccino (from “Ratatouille” movie), Jean Sibelius, Yann Tiersen
è èç èãð “Full Throttle” è “Wolfenstein 3D”;
ïåðåâîä íà àíãëèéñêèé Íàòàëüè Àãåøèíîé, HellFier, Nickie, Lemniscate;
îçâó÷êà ïåðñîíàæåé Àíäðåÿ Ôåäîðåíêî, Diver, Êîíñòàíòèíà Ïåðîâà, Òàòüÿíû Äâîðåöêîé;
áåòà-òåñòåðû Clearing, Winter Cat;
è áåñöåííûå ñîâåòû Fidcal, Nicked, Nameless Voice, R Soul, S.Siamsky
è ìíîãèõ, ìíîãèõ äðóãèõ ó÷àñòíèêîâ ôîðóìîâ TTLG è Dark Fate.
Îñîáàÿ áëàãîäàðíîñòü - Yandros çà åãî Motion Tag Demo.
Âûðàæåíèå î òîì, êîãäà íå ñâåòèò ñâåò, ïðèíàäëåæèò Ý. Ì. Ðåìàðêó.
(c) copyright by Zontik, 2008
Ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå ýòîé ìèññèè ðàçðåøåíî ïðè óñëîâèè, ÷òî ZIP-ôàéë áóäåò â öåëîñòè è ñîõðàííîñòè.
Ìîæåòå âêëþ÷àòü ýòîò óðîâåíü â ëþáîé êîìïëåêò äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà âàì íå âçäóìàåòñÿ èñïðàâèòü ÷òî-íèáóäü âíóòðè àðõèâà.
Óðîâåíü áûë èçãîòîâëåí áåç ïîìîùè Looking Glass Studious è Eidos Interactive è íå îáåñïå÷èâàåòñÿ èõ ïîääåðæêîé.