1. The guard opening a front door is DEAF AT ALL!! So you can dance on the tile behind his back - he won't alert. 2. The button under bridge over Letha opens a hidden door in the dark underwater part of the river. Search the nothern wall. You will be able to find water crystals and a golden nugget. 3. "Light House". Have you seen a lot of copies of painting with a man and a clock on it? The sequence of that copies shows you the right way to get the Tower key. The man on the picture (probably Garrett?) shows you the right direction to go with his hand. 4. This is not easter egg, but very well hidden switch on the bottom of the footlocker in the basement (this footlocker contains also a healing fruit). It opens a door to Armoury (search a very east wall of basement). Some useful powerups, some loot... 5. Try to avoid blackjacking of gasing the woman in blue dress (even if you have a permition to do this). If you manage to avoid hurt her, you will see a dialogue when you enter Casino. 6. In the Past there is a well in laboratory with scroll on the bottom (contains text about red lamp). When you see this scroll, turn your face up. You will seó a square hatch leading to laboratory above your head AND A VERY DIM LIGHT coming from the west. Swim to that light and you will enter the Easter Area. The breath potion from the table in the training room can help you. 7. In the Easter Area there is a hall with stairs, statues and 9 light sources. To face one more easter egg you have to douse all light sources with 9 water arrows. Where to get so many powerups? The bowman patroling the laboratory has a quiver on his back with 9 water arrows in it. 8. Leave the Easter Area by easy way - through the Flow of Time in anti-clockwise direction. Swim along the window with the Lord behind it (try to touch - ONLY touch! - some loot), then turn to the left and in the dark dead end swim up to get directly to the laboratory. This path works only in one direction. 9. To avoid confrontation with 4 apparitions in the crypt you must not alert the haunt. Kill him or avoid him as you wish, but when alerted he makes the apparitions appear. 10. There is bonus objective (on Insane only). If you gathered all possible loot, you will get message about it. But it was too hard to test, so I still don't know exactly does it works or not...